Leaked Photos of Hannibal Gadhafi in Lebanon

Leaked photos of Hannibal Gadhafi, son of Libya's late dictator, in a tiny underground cell in Lebanon have raised concerns. Libyan authorities demand improvements in his living conditions. Gadhafi has been held in Lebanon since 2015 after being kidnapped from Syria. A Lebanese delegation visited Beirut to discuss his release, but talks stalled.

Dismissal of Civil Lawsuits Against Former Libyan Military Commander

U.S. judge dismisses civil lawsuits against former Libyan military commander accused of war crimes due to lack of jurisdiction, despite his U.S. citizenship and ties to Virginia. The commander, Khalifa Hifter, denied orchestrating attacks against civilians.

Celebrating the Work of Photojournalist Anja Niedringhaus

An article celebrating the work of acclaimed photojournalist Anja Niedringhaus, who covered conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan. It includes a selection of her impactful images portraying daily life and tragedy in war-torn regions.

Mass Grave of Migrants Discovered in Western Libya

The U.N.'s migration agency expressed alarm over a mass grave containing the bodies of at least 65 migrants in western Libya. The migrants likely died while being smuggled through the desert. Libya is a major route for migrants heading to Europe, with many facing abuse and dangers along the way.