Dismissal of Civil Lawsuits Against Former Libyan Military Commander

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
U.S. judge dismisses civil lawsuits against former Libyan military commander accused of war crimes due to lack of jurisdiction, despite his U.S. citizenship and ties to Virginia. The commander, Khalifa Hifter, denied orchestrating attacks against civilians.

Key Points

  • U.S. judge dismisses civil lawsuits against Khalifa Hifter due to lack of jurisdiction.
  • Hifter denied orchestrating attacks against civilians in Libya.
  • Plaintiffs may appeal the dismissal of the lawsuits.


  • Dismissal of lawsuits prevents potential legal precedent issues regarding jurisdiction over war crimes committed in foreign countries by U.S. citizens.


  • Potential lack of accountability for alleged war crimes committed by Khalifa Hifter.
  • Plaintiffs seeking justice for family members killed in military bombardments may feel denied closure.