Blaming Biden's Border Policies for Murder of Rachel Morin

An ad campaign blames President Joe Biden's border policies for the murder of Rachel Morin allegedly by an illegal alien MS-13 gang member. The campaign is set to air in swing states during the first presidential debate.

Arrest of MS-13 Gang Leader in Houston

MS-13 gang leader Cesar Humberto Lopez-Larios, known as one of the original “Twelve Apostles of the Devil,” was arrested in Houston after being on the run for over three years. He faces charges related to terrorism, narco-terrorism, and conspiracy to provide support to terrorists. MS-13 is a violent gang with a highly organized hierarchical command and control structure involved in acts of violence, murder, drug trafficking, and human smuggling.

Crackdown on Violent Gangs in El Salvador

President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, describes crackdown on violent gangs as a 'spiritual war' due to satanic nature of largest gang, MS-13. Bukele's success in eliminating gangs attributed to national plan and 'miracle.'

Police dog killed by MS-13 gang members at Virginia state prison

A police dog named Rivan was stabbed and killed while protecting an officer from MS-13 gang members at a state prison in Virginia. The inmates involved were affiliated with MS-13 and were in the US illegally. The dog's sacrifice is being honored with a memorial service.

MS-13 Gang Members Attack Border Patrol Agents and Kill K-9 in Prison Attack

MS-13 gang members reportedly attacked Border Patrol agents and killed a K-9 in a prison attack, leading to vows of accountability from Gov. Glenn Younkin.

MS-13 Gang Member Shielded by Sanctuary Cities

An MS-13 gang member with a long criminal record was shielded from federal immigration enforcement by sanctuary jurisdictions in Prince George's County, Maryland, and Washington, DC. Despite multiple arrests and deportations, he continued to re-enter the U.S. and commit crimes, posing a significant threat to Maryland communities.

Illegal Sale of Fake Green Cards and Social Security Cards in Queens

Criminals in Queens are selling fake green cards and social security cards to migrants, posing a security threat, with potential ties to gangs like MS-13. The area is known for fake IDs and has seen an increase in demand due to the influx of migrants.