Crackdown on Violent Gangs in El Salvador

President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, describes crackdown on violent gangs as a 'spiritual war' due to satanic nature of largest gang, MS-13. Bukele's success in eliminating gangs attributed to national plan and 'miracle.'

Key Points

  • Bukele attributes success to national plan and divine intervention
  • MS-13 gang described as having a satanic nature with documented rituals and human sacrifices
  • Significant reduction in gang-related violence in El Salvador under Bukele's administration


  • Success in significantly reducing gang activity in El Salvador
  • National plan executed efficiently to combat criminal gangs
  • Overwhelming popularity of President Nayib Bukele due to anti-gang efforts


  • Controversy over re-election of President Bukele violating Salvadoran Constitution
  • Criticism of human rights violations and potential civilian casualties during crackdown