Nigel Farage's views on Marine Le Pen and the Bank of England

Nigel Farage criticizes Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN), warning of economic disaster if they win in France. Bank of England also expresses concerns about RN's policy proposals. Farage praises Giorgia Meloni and accuses Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of being 'slippery'.

Jordan Bardella and the National Rally in France

Jordan Bardella, at 28, has helped make the far-right National Rally the strongest political force in France and could become the country's youngest prime minister. He replaced Marine Le Pen as the party's leader and has risen quickly through the ranks due to his loyalty and social media savvy. Bardella has proposed law and order measures, tighter migration regulation, and economic policies that some rivals say could harm the French economy.

France's Parliamentary Election

Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party wins first round of France's parliamentary election with historic gains, setting up a run-off next week with other parties. Le Pen's party seen winning around 34% of the vote, ahead of Macron's Together alliance and the New Popular Front. High turnout suggests possible record number of three-way run-offs. Horsetrading begins for potential alliances. RN president Bardella ready to be prime minister if party wins absolute majority.

French Far-Right National Rally Leading in Legislative Elections

French far-right National Rally leads in first round of legislative elections, putting Macron at risk of far-right government. National Rally's Marine Le Pen could become prime minister. Macron's centrist party trails behind. Second round of voting to determine final outcome.

French Parliamentary Election

Voters in France are casting ballots in a parliamentary election that could shift power to nationalist, far-right parties. Marine Le Pen's National Rally is leading in polls, challenging President Macron's centrist alliance. The election outcome may impact European markets, France's nuclear arsenal, and global military force management.

French National Elections and Gold Price Surge

Far-right party 'Rassemblement National' led by Marine Le Pen could take power in upcoming French national elections, marking a significant political shift. Gold prices surged in spring due to increased demand from China.

French Legislative Election

Marine Le Pen's National Rally gains ahead of France's legislative election, potentially leading to power sharing with Macron. Macron dissolved parliament after poor European election results, causing market turmoil. National Rally may win most seats but not a majority, leading to gridlock. Macron may have to work with opposition or resign.

French Politics and Potential 'Frexit'

Michel Barnier warns that Emmanuel Macron's policies could lead to a 'Frexit' moment due to neglect of migration, security, and poverty issues. Macron's centrist alliance faces challenges from the hard-Right in upcoming elections. Despite initial polls favoring Marine Le Pen, projections show no overall majority for her party in the National Assembly.

Feminist Protests Against Marine Le Pen in France

Feminist groups in France protest against Marine Le Pen's party despite gaining more women voters. Le Pen has tried to rebrand her party as pro-women's rights, but many remain skeptical. Despite some changes, protesters argue that the National Rally still poses a threat to women's rights.

French Snap Election and President Macron's Leadership

President Macron calls for snap election in France to save his leadership, but says he won't resign even if he loses. The right-populist National Rally led by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella got double the votes of Macron's party in the European elections.

Rumors of President Macron Resigning

Rumors of President Macron resigning caused a selloff in French bonds, but were swiftly denied. Political uncertainty is rattling investor confidence. Macron called an election to curb Marine Le Pen's rise. Fiscal challenges and potential downgrade loom for France.

French Politics and Elections

The leader of France's right-wing Les Républicains party, Eric Ciotti, backed an alliance with Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National party for snap parliamentary elections, causing division within his own party. Ciotti faced calls for resignation but refused, stating LR is too weak to oppose Macron's coalition and the left. Macron called for snap polls after the far right's success in the European Parliament elections.

Political Alliance in France

The head of the centre-right Les Républicans party in France has backed an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in an upcoming snap election, potentially reshaping the political landscape. This move has sparked divisions within the party and caused controversy.

French Politics

The leader of France’s conservative Republicans is calling for an alliance with the far right National Rally in a snap parliamentary election, causing a major political shift in France. This move is expected to have wide repercussions as mainstream parties struggle to find alliances amidst Macron’s snap election decision.

European Parliamentary Elections 2024

Far-right parties made significant gains in the European Parliamentary elections, shifting the parliament membership to the right and causing major defeats for traditional powers like French President Emmanuel Macron. Nationalist and populist parties across Europe surged, making it challenging for the assembly to approve legislation on various issues. The far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen dominated the French polls, prompting Macron to dissolve the national parliament and call for new elections.

French Election Results and Political Response

Marine Le Pen's populist-nationalist party, RN, won twice as many votes as Emmanuel Macron's globalist centrists in the European Parliament election, leading Macron to dissolve the national parliament and call for fresh French elections.

Rise of National Rally in French Politics

The far-right National Rally led by Marine Le Pen is gaining support among higher-earning professionals and older voters who were previously hesitant due to the party's founder. The party is polling at a historic high in the European elections, causing concern among mainstream politicians. Immigration, crime, and economic concerns are driving support for the National Rally. There is a shift in voter demographics with more educated professionals and older individuals turning to the far right.

Far-right Figureheads Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni Hint at Alliance After EU Elections

Far-right figureheads Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni hint at joining forces after EU elections, with Le Pen's party cutting ties with AfD. Potential reconfiguration of nationalist alliances. Surveys suggest far-right groups may win 37% of seats in the European Parliament. Differences and potential mergers among far-right factions analyzed.

Far-right National Rally in France

France's far-right National Rally is banking on its youthful and charismatic party leader, Jordan Bardella, to make significant gains in upcoming European elections. Bardella has brought a fresh perspective to the party, appealing to a diverse voter base and presenting a more approachable image.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and European Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni faces criticism from French populist Marine Le Pen for not opposing Ursula von der Leyen's second term as European Commission chief. Meloni, once known as a populist firebrand, has governed from the center and deepened ties with Brussels. While implementing conservative policies, illegal migration has increased under her leadership, leading to accusations of being a globalist in populist clothing.

French National Rally's Lead Over Macron in European Parliament Elections

The right-wing populist National Rally of Marine Le Pen is leading by 13 points over French President Emmanuel Macron in the upcoming European Parliament elections. Macron's coalition is struggling due to civil unrest and the National Rally is gaining support among working and middle-class voters.