VIP Migration Packages Offered by Mexican Cartels

Mexican cartels offer VIP migration packages through dangerous tunnels from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso, Texas, where migrants pay at least $6,000 to $15,000. Criminal organizations have shifted focus to human trafficking due to higher profits. Corruption among authorities facilitates the smuggling operations, leading to violent turf wars and migrant exploitation.

Illegal migration facilitated by Mexican cartels

Mexican cartels offer VIP migration packages through dangerous tunnels from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso, Texas, at high prices, with corruption and collusion with authorities facilitating the illegal trafficking of migrants into the U.S.

Chinese Money Laundering Facilitating Illegal Crossings at U.S. Border

Chinese money launderers are enabling Mexican cartels' 'unlawful agenda' by facilitating illegal crossings of Chinese nationals at the U.S. border, leading to a significant increase in encounters this fiscal year.

Chinese Nationals Crossing U.S. Border

Chinese money launderers enable Mexican cartels' 'unlawful agenda' by helping Chinese nationals cross the U.S. border illegally. The San Diego Sector has seen a significant increase in encounters with Chinese migrants, raising national security concerns.

Chinese Money Laundering Enabling Mexican Cartels' Illegal Agenda

Chinese money laundering organizations are enabling Mexican cartels' illegal activities by helping them move funds around the world, including funding the supply chain for illegal drugs like fentanyl. DEA and Treasury officials have raised concerns about the growing threat of Chinese money laundering in recent years.

Drug Smuggling by Mexican Cartels in Eagle Pass

Migrant crossings are low in Eagle Pass, but drug smuggling by Mexican cartels like CDN continues. CBP seizes large amounts of methamphetamine at ports of entry, with offenders facing stiff penalties in federal courts. Recent seizures include nearly $300,000 worth of methamphetamine hidden in a vehicle's firewall and over $1.1 million worth found in quarter panels. Cartel smugglers remain active despite recent sentencing of offenders to decades in prison.

Impact of U.S. Immigration and Abortion Policies on Migrants

Migrants crossing into the U.S. are facing rape-related pregnancies and sexual violence by Mexican cartels. They are unable to access abortions due to state bans, leading to self-managed abortions and dangerous situations. Organized crime groups are exploiting the vulnerable migrants waiting on the Mexican side of the border. The U.S. immigration and abortion policies are affecting migrants' safety and rights.

Fentanyl Overdose in Hollywood

Renee Graziano, a star of Mob Wives, nearly died from a fentanyl overdose after mistaking it for cocaine. Fentanyl, originating in China, is a major issue in the U.S. and has claimed the lives of several Hollywood figures, including Prince and Rick Harrison's son Adam.

Chinese Migrants Crossing US Border

Chinese migrants aided by 'snakeheads' and Mexican cartels are crossing the US border, some legally via the CBP One app. They are well-dressed and pay high fees for private transportation. Many intend to return to China.

Mexican Cartels Turning Tourist Resorts into 'War Zones'

Four Mexican cartels are engaged in a violent struggle for dominance over tourist resorts in Mexico, leading to innocent travelers being caught in the crossfire. The 'rules' have changed with women, children, and tourist destinations no longer off-limits, turning these areas into 'war zones.'