Moscow Massacre Speculation

Speculation surrounds the Moscow massacre, with experts questioning the true masterminds behind the attack despite ISIS claiming responsibility. Clues point to potential Russian involvement, sparking discussions of false flag operations and historical events that mirror past instances.

Speculation on Russia's Involvement in Moscow Massacre

Speculation arises that Russia may have enabled the Moscow massacre to blame Ukraine despite ISIS claiming responsibility. Experts question inconsistencies in the attack, pointing to potential inside job or false flag operation by Russian forces. Historical parallels to past false flag operations are mentioned.

Moscow Massacre Blamed on Ukraine

Putin hints at blaming Ukraine for Moscow massacre that left 133 dead; ISIS-K claims responsibility for the attack; Putin vows vengeance and declares a day of national mourning; Russia arrests suspects and denies Ukraine's involvement; US officials link ISIS-K to the plot; Horrific details emerge from the deadly terrorist attack.