Various News Stories

Billionaire Telegram founder Pavel Durov indicted on charges including spreading child abuse images, drug trafficking. Former President Trump shared TikTok video violating federal law. False claims of noncitizen voting used as pretext to raise obstacles for voters. Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to have joint interview on CNN. Paul Robeson, an important figure in Black history, to have all recordings available in new book and box set. Ukrainian diaspora celebrates Independence Day in traditional attire in Washington, D.C. Murder suspect crashes through ceiling while hiding in Memphis home.

Capture of Murder Suspect Deario Wilkerson by U.S. Marshals Service

Murder suspect Deario Wilkerson falls through a ceiling while hiding in attic, captured by U.S. Marshals Service. He was involved in the death of Troy Cunningham.

Capture of Murder Suspect Deario Wilkerson

Murder suspect Deario Wilkerson fell through the ceiling while hiding in a Memphis home, leading to his capture by U.S. Marshals. He was wanted for first-degree murder and reckless endangerment in connection with a fatal shooting in Memphis.

Murder suspect arrest near Democratic National Convention

Murder suspect who escaped from a Mississippi courthouse was arrested in Chicago after a standoff with police near the Democratic National Convention. He was being held on attempted murder and armed robbery charges in Mississippi and murder charges in Houston.

Gilgo Beach Murder Suspect Charged with Two More Murders

Rex Heuermann, the Gilgo Beach murder suspect, has been charged with the murders of two additional women after planning documents were found on a hard drive at his residence. The documents detailed his sickening plans and strategies to evade detection. He was linked to the murders through DNA evidence and was caught after more than a decade of authorities searching for a suspect. He pleaded not guilty in the deaths of four other women he solicited for sex.

Gilgo Beach murder suspect charged with more killings and American soldier on trial for stealing

Rex Heuermann, the Gilgo Beach murder suspect, is charged with killing two more women, possibly bringing the total victims to 6. American soldier Staff Sgt. Gordon Black is on trial in Vladivostok, Russia, for stealing.

Gilgo Beach murder suspect charged with more killings, D-Day ceremony in Normandy

Gilgo Beach murder suspect Rex Heuermann charged with killing two more women, bringing possible victim count to 6. President Biden and French President Macron attend D-Day ceremony in Normandy.

Houston Police Search for Murder Suspect in Shooting Death of Attorney at McDonald's

Houston Police Department is searching for murder suspect in connection with the shooting death of attorney Jeffrey Limmer at a McDonald's. The suspect, Anthony Landry, remains at large.