Canonization of 11 Christians martyred in 1860

Pope Francis will canonize 11 Christians martyred by radical Muslims in 1860 for refusing to convert to Islam. The martyrs, known as the 'martyrs of Damascus,' were Franciscan missionaries and laymen living in Syria. The massacre occurred in Damascus, and thousands of Christians were killed. Pope Francis previously canonized a group of 813 'Martyrs of Otranto' in 2013.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Victory in Election

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed victory in the election, securing a third term despite facing a strong opposition challenge. He is a popular but polarizing leader known for advancing Hindu nationalism and overseeing a fast-growing economy. Critics accuse him of eroding democracy and targeting Muslims with divisive politics.

Accusations of Incitement Against Muslim Minority During Indian Elections

Critics accuse ruling Hindu nationalist BJP of incitement against the Muslim minority during Indian elections. Prime Minister Modi's anti-Muslim rhetoric triggers backlash and legal actions.

Support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi

The article discusses the support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party in the holy Hindu city of Varanasi, highlighting the devotion to the Ganges River and Modi's political influence in the region as India heads into elections.

H-Pop and Hindu Nationalism in India

H-Pop, the music and poetry of Hindu nationalism in India, is being criticized for its violent rhetoric targeting Muslims ahead of Indian elections. Critics warn of its destructive power and its role in inciting violence.

H-Pop and Hindu Nationalism in India

H-Pop is Indian popular music and poetry of Hindu nationalism, criticized for spreading hate and violence against Muslims.

Support for Hamas among Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K.

Recent polls in the U.S. and the U.K. show that nearly half of Muslims support Hamas in its war against Israel, with similar proportions in both countries. The rise in Muslim population in the U.S. coincides with a shift in the Democratic Party's pro-Israel stance and a rise in antisemitism on college campuses.

Survey on Discrimination Against Jews and Muslims in the US

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that the percentage of Americans believing Jews face 'a lot' of discrimination has doubled in the last three years. The survey also highlights increased discrimination against Jews and Muslims since the Israel-Hamas war began.

Muslims in Prisons in England and Wales

Muslims make up a disproportionately high percentage of the prison population in England and Wales, with white Muslims being overrepresented. Some attribute this to forced conversions within prison gangs, while others deny this claim.

Israeli Prime Minister's Response to Criticism on War Against Hamas and Freedom of Worship for Muslims During Ramadan

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses response to criticism from Biden administration on war against Hamas and objectives in Gaza. Israeli officials ensure no additional restrictions to freedom of worship for Muslims during Ramadan despite heightened security concerns in Jerusalem. Increased online incitement and fake news reports contradicting the situation on the ground. Israeli police beefing up forces to maintain order and reduce terror threats during religious holidays. Tensions in Jerusalem peak during Ramadan with restrictions in place to prevent violence. Efforts to enable peaceful practice of holidays for all religions in Jerusalem's Old City.

11th-century Astrolabe with Arabic and Hebrew Inscriptions

An 11th-century astrolabe with Arabic inscriptions and Hebrew writings was identified in Italy, showcasing a period of intellectual exchange and collaboration between Muslims, Jews, and Christians in medieval Spain.

Indian Citizenship Law Controversy

Indian Prime Minister Modi's government announces rules implementing a 2019 citizenship law excluding Muslims, sparking controversy and criticism.

Controversy Surrounding India's Citizenship Amendment Act

Indian government announces rules to implement a 2019 citizenship law that excludes Muslims, sparking protests and criticism from human rights groups. Critics argue the law discriminates against Muslims and undermines India's secular foundation.

Ramadan and Gaza Atrocities

Imam Omar Suleiman discusses how Muslims worldwide can approach Ramadan amidst atrocities in Gaza.