Support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi

The article discusses the support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party in the holy Hindu city of Varanasi, highlighting the devotion to the Ganges River and Modi's political influence in the region as India heads into elections.

Key Points

  • Modi's influence in Varanasi and along the Ganges River is strong
  • Supporters view Modi as a divine and beloved figure
  • Election results are expected to favor Modi for a third consecutive term


  • Modi is seen as a strong leader who has righted historical wrongs and made significant achievements in India
  • Supporters credit Modi with economic growth, infrastructure development, and global prominence
  • Many believe Modi is a benevolent and visionary leader working for the good of India


  • Critics accuse Modi and his party of fueling hatred against Muslims and passing laws that discriminate against them
  • Some voters express dissatisfaction with unfulfilled promises and government shortcomings