French President Macron facing backlash and snap election

French President Macron faces backlash over comments about far-right and hard-left parties potentially leading to civil war. Snap election initiated after right-wing parties outperformed rivals in EU elections. Macron's approval rating at all-time low of 26%. National Rally party projected to lead in EU elections.

French President Macron's Accusations and Legislative Vote

French President Macron accuses far-right National Rally and leftist alliance of potentially leading to civil war ahead of legislative vote. Polls show National Rally leading. Macron's party faces challenges in polls and financial markets. National Rally leader Bardella outlines economic plans.

French Legislative Election

Marine Le Pen's National Rally gains ahead of France's legislative election, potentially leading to power sharing with Macron. Macron dissolved parliament after poor European election results, causing market turmoil. National Rally may win most seats but not a majority, leading to gridlock. Macron may have to work with opposition or resign.

Feminist Protests Against Marine Le Pen in France

Feminist groups in France protest against Marine Le Pen's party despite gaining more women voters. Le Pen has tried to rebrand her party as pro-women's rights, but many remain skeptical. Despite some changes, protesters argue that the National Rally still poses a threat to women's rights.

French Snap Election and President Macron's Leadership

President Macron calls for snap election in France to save his leadership, but says he won't resign even if he loses. The right-populist National Rally led by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella got double the votes of Macron's party in the European elections.

Political Alliance in France

The head of the centre-right Les Républicans party in France has backed an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in an upcoming snap election, potentially reshaping the political landscape. This move has sparked divisions within the party and caused controversy.

French Politics

The leader of France’s conservative Republicans is calling for an alliance with the far right National Rally in a snap parliamentary election, causing a major political shift in France. This move is expected to have wide repercussions as mainstream parties struggle to find alliances amidst Macron’s snap election decision.

European Elections: Right-Wing and Far-Right Parties Triumphing

Right-wing, far-Right, and conservative parties are expected to triumph in the European elections, with the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) projected to beat German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's SDP. Despite scandals, the AfD is performing strongly, with the conservative Christian Democratic Union expected to lead in the polls.

French Political Crisis After Macron Dissolves Parliament

President Macron dissolved the French parliament mid-term after a defeat in the European Parliament elections, causing panic among the establishment and far left. The move opens the possibility of the populist right taking control. Macron hopes to mobilize against the far-right and secure his grip on power.

Rising Popularity of Hard-Right Politicians Among Young Voters in Europe

Jordan Bardella, a rising star in France's hard-Right National Rally, has gained popularity among young voters through social media platforms like TikTok. He and other hard-Right politicians have successfully connected with young voters by addressing their concerns about security, immigration, and economic challenges.

Jordan Bardella, the New Face of France's Right

Jordan Bardella, a 28-year-old rising star in French politics and president of the National Rally, is reshaping the country's political landscape with his far-right views and strong support. He aims to save France from what he perceives as threats like immigration and loss of identity. Bardella, mentored by Marine Le Pen, is positioning himself as a potential future prime minister or president.

Rise of National Rally in French Politics

The far-right National Rally led by Marine Le Pen is gaining support among higher-earning professionals and older voters who were previously hesitant due to the party's founder. The party is polling at a historic high in the European elections, causing concern among mainstream politicians. Immigration, crime, and economic concerns are driving support for the National Rally. There is a shift in voter demographics with more educated professionals and older individuals turning to the far right.

Far-right National Rally in France

France's far-right National Rally is banking on its youthful and charismatic party leader, Jordan Bardella, to make significant gains in upcoming European elections. Bardella has brought a fresh perspective to the party, appealing to a diverse voter base and presenting a more approachable image.

French National Rally's Lead Over Macron in European Parliament Elections

The right-wing populist National Rally of Marine Le Pen is leading by 13 points over French President Emmanuel Macron in the upcoming European Parliament elections. Macron's coalition is struggling due to civil unrest and the National Rally is gaining support among working and middle-class voters.

Migration Politics in the European Union

Former head of EU's Frontex agency, Fabrice Leggeri, joins anti-mass migration National Rally for EU Parliament elections. He criticizes EU's migration pact and successor at Frontex for open borders approach.