New York State Primary Election Results

Summary of recent primary election results in New York state and the competitiveness of certain congressional districts.

2024 Presidential Race in New York State

Former President Trump is down by single digits to President Biden in New York State according to a recent poll. Biden leads Trump 47%-39% among registered voters. Biden has support from 75% of Democrats, while Trump has support from 85% of Republicans and leads with independents.

Political Polling in New York State and Other States

President Joe Biden's lead in deep-blue New York State has dropped to just eight points, signaling a shift in momentum towards Trump. Similar trends are observed in other states like Minnesota and Iowa.

Donald Trump's Criminal Trial in Manhattan

Former President Donald Trump expresses disappointment in the judicial system during his criminal trial in Manhattan, suggesting that businesses may choose not to do business in New York State due to perceived bias.

New York State Equal Rights Amendment Blocked by Judge

A proposed amendment to the New York State Constitution, known as the Equal Rights Amendment, has been blocked by a state judge on procedural grounds. Opponents argue that the amendment would allow the state government to take over parents' rights, particularly in decisions related to children receiving gender-affirming procedures.

Cyberattack on New York State Legislature's Bill Drafting Office

The New York state Legislature's bill drafting office was hit with an apparent cyberattack, impacting the processing of legislation for lawmakers. Governor Kathy Hochul stated that the incident may cause delays in finalizing the state budget bills.

Michael Avenatti criticizes prosecution of Donald Trump

Former attorney Michael Avenatti criticized New York State authorities' efforts to prosecute former President Donald Trump from prison, stating the case is stale and Trump cannot get a fair trial in New York.

Seizure of Tony Cavallaro's 34-Year-Old Pet Alligator by New York State

New York state seizes Tony Cavallaro's 34-year-old pet alligator, Albert, citing expired permit and public endangerment. Cavallaro is fighting to get Albert back with community support.

Donald Trump Facing Financial Pressure Due to $454 Million Civil Fraud Verdict

Donald Trump is facing the prospect of having to sell property to cover a massive $454 million civil fraud verdict against him in New York state. The former president may need to raise capital under exigent circumstances to push ahead with an appeal. Trump's real estate empire faces significant losses due to a brutal market for commercial property owners.

New York State Prosecutors Sue JBS Over Climate Claims

New York state prosecutors are suing JBS for misleading marketing claims about slashing climate pollution, alleging the company lacks a feasible plan to achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2040.