World War II veteran Harold Terens marries Jeanne Swerlin in Normandy, France

World War II veteran Harold Terens, 100, and Jeanne Swerlin, 96, got married in Normandy, France, after meeting in 2021. Terens was a U.S. Army Air Forces corporal who helped free American prisoners of war after D-Day in 1944.

State Visit of President Joe Biden by French President Emmanuel Macron

President Joe Biden is being feted by French President Emmanuel Macron with a state visit, focusing on global security issues and partnership. They also aim to move past trade tensions and support Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion.

World War II Commemoration at Omaha Beach

World leaders and World War II veterans gathered at Omaha Beach to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, linking past sacrifices to current events like the war in Ukraine. The ceremony honored the Allied dead and emphasized the importance of fighting for democracy.

President Biden's D-Day Speech in Normandy

President Biden reflects on D-Day from Normandy, France, praising American veterans for risking everything for freedom and urging the defense of democracy against aggression abroad and at home.

President Joe Biden's Speech in Normandy

President Joe Biden used a speech in Normandy to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin and his domestic political opposition, emphasizing the need to defend democracy. He compared his stance to that of Ronald Reagan's historic speech at the same location. Biden focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and urged the world to stand against Putin's aggression.

D-Day Commemoration by House Lawmakers

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers, all of whom served in the military, commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day by parachuting from a WWII-era plane in Normandy, France.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy

World War II veterans and world leaders gather on the beaches of Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, with a focus on the ongoing war in Ukraine and the importance of fighting for democracy and freedom.

President Biden's D-Day Commemoration

Fox News host Sean Hannity reacts to President Biden's D-Day commemoration on 'Hannity' and criticizes Biden's behavior during the event.

Commemoration of Normandy Landings

President Biden joins world leaders in France to honor WWII veterans and commemorate the Normandy landings. The allied invasion led to the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany. Biden also warns about protecting democracy amid global unrest.

Commemoration of 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings

President Biden commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, emphasizing the importance of international alliances and connecting past victories to present-day challenges. He praised the bravery of World War II veterans and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to supporting Ukraine against Russia.

Ukrainian President Zelensky's Emotional Moment with D-Day Veteran

Ukrainian President Zelensky shared an emotional moment with an American D-Day veteran during a ceremony in Normandy, France, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the historic landing. The veteran expressed gratitude and admiration towards Zelensky, acknowledging him as a hero. Zelensky reciprocated the sentiment, emphasizing the veteran's role in saving Europe. The exchange was captured on video and met with cheers from the crowd.

President Biden's Speech in Normandy and Mental Acuity Concerns

President Biden gave a speech in Normandy commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, urging allies to help Ukraine defeat a tyrant bent on domination. The Republican National Committee posted videos suggesting Biden was in a state of confusion. Questions arose about Biden's mental acuity after a report by The Wall Street Journal.

D-Day Veterans Interaction with Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden's Actions in Normandy

Former President Donald Trump spoke with four D-Day veterans on his plane and shared the interaction on Truth Social. President Joe Biden faced criticism for his actions during a D-Day ceremony in Normandy, France.

President Joe Biden's Interview in Normandy

President Joe Biden, during an interview in Normandy, stated that he would not pardon his son Hunter amid an ongoing felony gun trial. He also discussed opponent Donald Trump's conviction on felony charges and addressed his executive action to close the border to asylum seekers.

World War II veteran's death during D-Day memorial event

102-year-old WWII U.S. Navy veteran dies while traveling to Normandy for D-Day memorial event

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy

President Joe Biden commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, highlighting the dwindling number of surviving veterans and the importance of preserving their stories. The event was attended by world leaders and veterans who shared their experiences of the brutal battle that turned the tide of World War II.

Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion

President Joe Biden and other world leaders mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion alongside WWII veterans in Normandy, France.

D-Day and Heroism

Former Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson and 'Fox & Friends Weekend' co-host Pete Hegseth discuss the significance of D-Day on its 80th anniversary. The article highlights the heroic actions of four Americans who received the Medal of Honor for their bravery during the D-Day operation in Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944.

Gilgo Beach murder suspect charged with more killings, D-Day ceremony in Normandy

Gilgo Beach murder suspect Rex Heuermann charged with killing two more women, bringing possible victim count to 6. President Biden and French President Macron attend D-Day ceremony in Normandy.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy

Enthusiasts in WWII attire gather in Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Allied landings, with reenactors, historical vehicles, and international leaders participating in ceremonies.

British Paratroopers Commemorating D-Day in Normandy

British paratroopers reenacted the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, facing tighter immigration checks post-Brexit. They recreated the historic jump behind German lines to disrupt defenses and establish positions ahead of the beach assault waves.

World War II Veteran Steven Melnikoff Reflects on D-Day Experience

104-year-old World War II veteran Steven Melnikoff reflects on his service on the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, discussing his experiences during the invasion, injuries sustained, and his perspective on America today.

Tribute to American Paratroopers on D-Day in Normandy, France

The people of Normandy, France still pay tribute to American paratroopers who liberated the town on D-Day, with stained-glass art and effigies in their honor. The heroic story of these saviors is immortalized in various tributes and artworks.

80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings in Normandy

Veterans and world leaders gathered in Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, with a lone piper re-enacting the moment British troops landed in France.

Allied Invasion of Normandy (D-Day)

The article discusses the experiences of American soldiers during the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, on D-Day in 1944, highlighting the challenges they faced and the sacrifices made for victory.

D-Day 80th Anniversary Commemoration

President Biden joins European leaders in Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day landings.

D-Day Commemoration in Normandy

World leaders and veterans gather to commemorate D-Day in Normandy, with speeches, musical performances, and tributes to the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought in World War II.

D-Day veterans honored in England

D-Day veterans honored with new names added to memorial wall in southern England ahead of 80th anniversary of Normandy landings. Veterans share their experiences and emphasize the importance of remembering the sacrifices made during World War II.