World War II veteran Harold Terens marries Jeanne Swerlin in Normandy, France

World War II veteran Harold Terens, 100, and Jeanne Swerlin, 96, got married in Normandy, France, after meeting in 2021. Terens was a U.S. Army Air Forces corporal who helped free American prisoners of war after D-Day in 1944.

Key Points

  • Harold Terens, 100, and Jeanne Swerlin, 96, got married in Carentan, Normandy
  • Terens helped free American prisoners of war after D-Day in 1944
  • The couple met in 2021 and felt an instant connection


  • Heartwarming story of love and companionship
  • Celebration of enduring love and connection
  • Historical ties to World War II and D-Day