Public Perception of the U.S. Supreme Court

A new poll finds that 7 in 10 Americans believe Supreme Court justices are more influenced by their own ideology rather than being fair and impartial arbiters of government authority, indicating a lack of confidence in the court's neutrality.

Political Polarization in the U.S.

The article discusses the polarizing times we live in with Trump and Biden accusing each other of being a threat to democracy. It explores the concept of a 'reality distortion bubble' and how it affects our perception of division in society.

Americans' Views on Presidential Power and Partisanship

A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC finds that Americans are more willing to support expanded presidential power if the candidate from their party wins the presidency. Views on presidential power are heavily influenced by party affiliation, with Republicans more likely to support expanded power for a Republican president and vice versa. The poll highlights increasing polarization and a willingness to push the boundaries of the political framework that has kept the U.S. a stable democracy for over two centuries.

Americans' Views on Presidential Power and Checks and Balances

Americans express willingness to push the boundaries of the political framework to allow more presidential power, especially if their party's candidate wins. Views on presidential power differ based on party affiliation, with Republicans more supportive of unilateral action by a Republican president and vice versa.

President Joe Biden's State of the Union Address

President Joe Biden will deliver his third State of the Union address amid political challenges and policy issues. He will address accomplishments, goals, and major problems facing the nation, including the economy, immigration, and gun control. Former President Donald Trump is providing live commentary on the address. The speech is expected to be highly partisan and politically charged.

Political News

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy discusses Senator Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican Leader, Trump and Biden's border visits, latest on Hunter Biden investigation & the need to fund Ukraine. Kentucky House votes to remove governor's role in selecting a U.S. Senate seat replacement. McConnell hints at potential reelection in 2026. Governor denounces bill as driven by partisanship.