Paul Rusesabagina's Imprisonment and Political Activism in Rwanda

Paul Rusesabagina, the inspiration behind the film Hotel Rwanda, was imprisoned in Rwanda for his ties to a political opposition group, released after international pressure, and continues to speak out against the government despite a promise not to criticize. He believes in the potential for positive change in Rwanda.

Paul Rusesabagina's Stand Against the Rwandan Government

Paul Rusesabagina, known for his heroism during the Rwandan genocide, has spoken out against the Rwandan government, despite facing imprisonment and threats for doing so. His daughter also highlights the risks associated with criticizing the government. The family believes that change is possible in Rwanda, but the country remains in a precarious state.

Paul Rusesabagina's Criticism of Rwanda's President

Paul Rusesabagina, the inspiration behind the movie 'Hotel Rwanda,' has been a vocal critic of Rwanda's current president, Paul Kagame, after facing imprisonment and alleged torture in Rwanda.