Political Feud and Potential Vice Presidential Picks

Former President Donald Trump criticizes former House Speaker Paul Ryan as "very disloyal" and calls for Rupert Murdoch and his son to remove Ryan from the Fox Corporation Board of Directors. Trump praises North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. Marco Rubio as potential vice presidential picks.

Presidential Election Candidates

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan expresses disappointment in the choice of presidential candidates for the upcoming election, mentioning the lack of better options and referencing a potential scenario involving a former president and a son of a president both being convicted criminals.

Paul Ryan's criticism of Donald Trump

Paul Ryan, a Fox Corporation Board of Directors member, stated on FNC's 'Your World' that former President Donald Trump is unfit for office due to his character and behavior.

Paul Ryan's decision not to vote for Donald Trump

Paul Ryan, a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, announces he will not vote for former President Donald Trump due to character concerns and praises House Speaker Mike Johnson. Ryan's stance is seen as a criticism of the America First movement.

President Joe Biden's Claim about Republicans and Social Security

President Joe Biden claimed at the State of the Union that Republicans want to cut social security, but this claim is mostly false as Donald Trump has vowed not to cut Social Security if re-elected. Trump criticized establishment Republicans for seeking to cut Social Security.

Paul Ryan's criticisms of Donald Trump and 'Trump populism'

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan criticizes former President Donald Trump and 'Trump populism,' expressing concerns about isolationist tendencies and pro-Russia sentiments within the Republican party.