Martha-Ann Alito's Controversial Views and Actions

Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, expressed strong objections to rainbow Pride flags during Pride Month, stating she would prefer to fly a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag or a flag with the Italian word for 'shame.' She has been at the center of controversy over flags associated with right-wing movements questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Mrs. Alito also indicated a desire to sue the media and has a history of holding grudges and expressing conservative beliefs.

Legislation to Ban Teacher-led Discussions on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Alabama Schools

Alabama lawmakers advance legislation to ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools, as well as prohibit displaying Pride flags in classrooms under the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.

Tennessee House Bill Banning Pride Flags in Schools

The Republican-led Tennessee House passed a bill banning pride flags from being displayed in school classrooms, sparking a heated debate. The bill states only the US and Tennessee state flags can be displayed in public schools. Critics argue it discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community.

Tennessee House Bill Banning Pride Flags in Schools

The Republican-led Tennessee House passed a bill banning pride flags from school classrooms, sparking heated debate. The bill prohibits displaying flags representing political viewpoints other than the US and Tennessee flags. Opponents argue it discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community.