Legislation to Ban Teacher-led Discussions on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Alabama Schools

SOURCE apnews.com
Alabama lawmakers advance legislation to ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools, as well as prohibit displaying Pride flags in classrooms under the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.

Key Points

  • The legislation expands current Alabama law to ban discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades K-12
  • An amendment prohibits displaying flags and insignias representing sexual or gender identity on public school property
  • Critics view the legislation as stigmatizing and rolling back progress in LGBTQ+ equality


  • May prevent what some lawmakers view as 'indoctrination' of students
  • Aligns with the views of some conservative groups and individuals


  • May contribute to exclusion and marginalization of LGBTQ+ students
  • Could limit open and inclusive discussions in educational settings