South Carolina's Restrictive Book Ban Law

South Carolina implements a restrictive book ban law requiring all reading material to be 'developmentally appropriate', leading to concerns about censorship and limitations on educational materials. The law, drafted by the education superintendent and ally of Moms for Liberty, is part of a broader nationwide trend against literature exploring race and sexuality.

Incorporation of Bible and Ten Commandments in Oklahoma School Curriculum

Oklahoma schools are now required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculum, with the state's chief education officer citing the Bible as a foundational document for the Constitution and the country's history.

Louisiana's Ten Commandments Law and Broader Christian Agenda

Gov. Jeff Landry of Louisiana signed several bills related to public education, including requiring transgender students to be addressed by pronouns on their birth certificates and hanging the Ten Commandments in public classrooms. This reflects a broader Christian agenda in the state.

Lebanon Repatriating Syrian Refugees

Lebanon is repatriating Syrian refugees despite UN warnings of danger in Syria. The refugees are struggling in camps, facing economic challenges, lack of education, and danger of arrest if sent back to Syria.

Secret Efforts to Change American Education

National groups like Moms for Liberty are secretly trying to change American education at the local level.

Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools

Louisiana becomes the first state to require the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.

Virginia “Ginger” Hislop's Journey to Graduation at 105 Years Old

105-year-old grandmother finally receives her master’s degree from Stanford University 83 years after leaving to marry her sweetheart who was called to serve in World War II.

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence has been making advancements in various fields for decades, and now it is poised to bring major improvements to American education by providing personalized and supportive experiences for children.

American students returning to China

American students are slowly returning to China, despite safety concerns, due to the importance of China to the U.S.

Jay-Z supporting private school vouchers in Philadelphia

Jay-Z is supporting a campaign to fund private school vouchers in Philadelphia, drawing controversy due to differing opinions on the topic.

Former NFL Players with Ivy League Education

A list of former NFL players who attended Ivy League schools before joining the professional league, including Super Bowl champions, Hall of Famers, and record holders.

Book Bans in the U.S.

The surge in book challenges across the U.S. has led to debates over the definition of 'book ban' with varying perspectives from different individuals and organizations.

Chronic Absenteeism in Schools

Chronic absenteeism is a growing issue in schools across the country, with historical drops in reading and math scores. While efforts are being made to address the problem, parents seem less concerned and unaware of the impact of missing school. The issue has worsened during the pandemic, leading to a significant increase in chronically absent students.

Foreign Influence in U.S. Schools

House bill seeks to mandate transparency in schools regarding foreign-funded programs to prevent anti-American propaganda; Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters leads efforts to protect children from foreign influence in U.S. schools.

Controversy Over PragerU Partnership in Louisiana Education System

Louisiana Democrats tried to oust the state's education superintendent over a partnership with PragerU, claiming political indoctrination. Despite the opposition, the superintendent was reconfirmed, and the partnership continues.

AI in Education

School districts initially feared Chat GPT would enable cheating but are now embracing AI technology more broadly.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on School Bullying

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling the creation of harmful content like deepfake images and videos, leading to a new form of bullying in schools. Educators, advocates, and lawmakers are struggling to keep up with the threats posed by AI and are working on developing policies and protections to address the issue.

Impact of expiring federal relief funds on after-school programs in the US

Many after-school programs in the US, like the one at Eugene Field Elementary School in Tulsa, rely on federal pandemic-era relief funds known as ESSER. These funds are expiring, putting the future of these programs at risk. Quality after-school programs offer numerous benefits to students, including developing important skills and providing a safe place for learning and growth.

Biden Campaign Co-Chair's Efforts to Uplift Communities and Appeal to Black Voters

Biden Campaign Co-Chair and U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester discusses the administration's efforts to uplift communities and highlight investments in infrastructure, black small businesses, education, and student debt relief to appeal to black voters.

Louisiana Bill to Require Display of Ten Commandments in Schools

Louisiana lawmakers passed a bill requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in schools and colleges that receive public funding, facing potential legal challenges over First Amendment concerns.

Exposing Anti-Israel Protester Ignorance by Zach Sage Fox

Zach Sage Fox exposes anti-Israel protesters' lack of knowledge about the Israel-Hamas war in a viral video, offering $100 for correct answers to basic questions. He calls out universities for not educating students about the issue and aims to be a voice of education on the topic.

Shortage of Teachers in Rural Alaska

Due to a shortage of teachers in rural districts in Alaska, foreign teachers are being brought in using special visas such as the J-1 Visa program. These teachers, primarily from the Philippines, are making significantly more money in Alaska and have access to resources and technologies that are not as readily available in their home country.

Student Debt Cancellation

President Joe Biden announced the cancelation of over $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people, bringing the total number of Americans benefiting from debt relief actions to 4.75 million.

Debates over Algebra in Middle School Education

Debates over algebra in middle school are sparking controversy, with concerns about equity, racial and economic gaps, and academic opportunity. The decision to offer algebra to all students or select few has resulted in lawsuits, protests, and policy changes in various cities.

Bill Maher defends Harrison Butker and criticizes societal pressure for success

Bill Maher defended Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker and argued that people should not feel pressured to conform to a certain idea of success, such as getting an advanced degree from prestigious universities like Harvard.

Terrorism in Pakistan

Suspected militants bombed a girl's school in a former Pakistani Taliban stronghold, no one was hurt. Pakistani Taliban likely responsible. Pakistan military tests new rocket system. Fox News reports on turmoil in the Middle East.

Challenges Faced by Latinas in the U.S.

The Pew Research Center study reveals that despite progress in education and entrepreneurship, Latinas in the U.S. face dual pressures of success in work and at home, influenced by cultural and gender role expectations. The report highlights differences between U.S. born Latinas and Latina immigrants, generational disparities, and the growing population of adult Latinas.

Actor LeVar Burton and the Reading Rainbow documentary

Actor LeVar Burton gets emotional discussing the importance of books and the Reading Rainbow documentary in an era where book banning is a concern. However, the claim of widespread book banning is disputed.

Florida's Education Policies Impacting Other States

Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz Jr. discusses Florida's top ranking in the education freedom index report and the impact of their education policies on other states. The report highlights the importance of parental involvement and the removal of distractions in schools.

House Education Committee hearing on antisemitism in education

Republican lawmakers expand fight over antisemitism in education with mixed results as leaders from K-12 public school districts testify at House Education Committee hearing, addressing recent incidents and tensions over Israel-Gaza conflict.

Arkansas Ban on Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

A federal judge ruled that Arkansas cannot prevent teachers from discussing critical race theory in the classroom, but did not broadly block the state from enforcing its ban on 'indoctrination' in public schools.

Declining Workforce Participation Among American Men

American men are increasingly opting out of the workforce, with only 89% of working-age men currently employed or actively seeking work compared to 97% in 1950. Factors contributing to this trend include declining participation in higher education, changes in job market dynamics, and dissatisfaction with available job options. The shift has significant economic and societal implications.

Robin Williams' Act of Kindness Towards Onscreen Daughter

Robin Williams wrote a letter to save his former onscreen daughter, Lisa Jakub, from being expelled from high school while filming 'Mrs. Doubtfire.' Jakub now runs a nonprofit helping military veterans.

Impact of Migration on Economic Growth and Innovation

Larry Fink of BlackRock believes that developed countries with shrinking populations will benefit from advanced technologies like robotics and AI, while countries with expanding populations need to focus on education and the rule of law. The article discusses the impact of migration on economies, productivity, and political strategies.

College Student Protests

Discussion on the implications of college students participating in protests with education professor Robert Kelchen.

Impact of Record-Breaking Heat Waves on Schools in Asia

Schools in Asia are canceling classes or moving them online due to record-breaking heat waves, fueled by climate change, posing a threat to children's education and health. Rising temperatures are causing closures in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, and the Philippines. The UN warns that millions of children are at risk of heat-related illnesses and even death.

Impact of AI on Job Market and Education

Gen Zers are leaning towards blue-collar jobs due to high costs of college education and threat from AI. Amazon reports record sales due to AI growth. Policymakers warned against using science fiction to regulate AI. Google offers free course on AI tools to make training more accessible.

Discovery of Bee Hive in Toddler's Bedroom

A family in Charlotte, North Carolina, discovered a 'monster' in their toddler's bedroom, which turned out to be a hive of 50,000 bees. They are slowly removing the bees as extermination was not an option due to the bees being endangered.

True Crime Stories and Podcasts

True crime stories have enduring popularity, drawing people in with captivating narratives of criminal investigation and human psychology. The genre has seen a recent surge in interest, with a large fanbase enjoying learning about criminology, psychology, and the American justice system. Podcasts like 'Serial' have had a significant impact on public perception of criminal cases, leading to changes in trials and outcomes. Although there are ethical concerns about 'celebrifying' criminals, true crime has educational potential and can promote positive change.

Student Protests in Rafah, Gaza

Students in Rafah, Gaza protest for education protection amidst Israel-Hamas war, NBC News crew interviews student about the protests.

California Bill to Limit Excessive Homework

California State Assembly member Pilar Schiavo introduced The Healthy Homework Act (AB 2999) to limit excessive homework, taking into account students' physical and mental health. The bill aims to create supportive and equitable homework policies with input from teachers, students, and parents.

Guinness World Record for Longest Chess Marathon

A Nigerian man sets a new Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon by playing for nearly five straight days in Times Square, New York City.

National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C.

The first National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C. showcased high school students' innovative projects in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Winners like Treyonna Sullivan presented projects like 'Project Poop' to tackle community issues. The event highlighted the need for diversity and inclusion in STEM fields, especially for women of color.

Impact of Mentally Stimulating Jobs on Cognitive Health

People in routine and repetitive jobs have a higher risk of disease and cognitive problems later in life. Jobs that require more mental stimulation can protect against cognitive decline. Education and mentally challenging tasks at work help build cognitive reserve, delaying mental decline.

Exposing Children to Guns and Gun Safety Education

Exposing children to guns poses risks, but some believe in training kids to handle firearms responsibly. Laws in California and Illinois ban gun marketing to children. Various organizations teach gun safety and shooting to kids, with an emphasis on responsible handling.

Florida Education Bill Limiting Book Objections

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new education bill into law limiting objections to books in school districts. Critics argue it restricts free speech and leads to banning books with race-related or LGBTQ content.

Passing of Former Senator Bob Graham

Former Democratic Senator and two-term Florida Gov. Bob Graham has passed away at 87. He was remembered as a devoted grandfather and for his love for Florida. Graham's legacy includes his work in the Senate, opposition to the Iraq war, and dedication to improving Florida's education system.

Tuition Increase in Georgia's Public Universities

Georgia's public universities and colleges will increase tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year to cover rising costs and maintain quality education. The typical in-state undergraduate will pay $6,466 in tuition and fees, up 2.4% from the previous year.

Former Vice President Mike Pence joins Grove City College as Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Former Vice President Mike Pence joins Grove City College as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Faith & Public Life, teaching a course and supporting Christian faith in public institutions.

Members of Congress educating themselves about artificial intelligence for regulatory purposes

Members of Congress, including Representative Kat Cammack and Representative Don Beyer, are educating themselves about artificial intelligence to create laws that balance its benefits and risks. AI has the potential to transform society but also poses challenges such as job losses, biased results, and deepfake content. Lawmakers are working to understand AI's implications for various sectors and are considering regulations to safeguard against potential harm.

Nebraska Lawmakers and Private School Funding Bill

Nebraska lawmakers are on track to pass a bill that would change the way private school scholarships are funded, circumventing a potential voter repeal of a new state law. The bill has sparked controversy and opposition from public school advocates.

Mexico's first presidential debate

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticizes Mexico's first presidential debate for not focusing on him and his administration's achievements, instead discussing corruption and other issues. He is upset that the debate questions did not recognize his efforts to combat corruption.

Book Bans and Censorship in the US

Book challenges and bans have increased across the US, with some states passing laws imposing penalties on libraries for distributing materials deemed inappropriate. Recent legislation threatens librarians and educators with fines, imprisonment, and even criminal charges for providing books with 'obscene' or 'harmful' content to minors.

Jamie Dimon's Views on Migration, Economic Opportunities, and Establishment Policies

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, expresses frustration over migration and economic opportunities in the US, calling for reforms but not advocating for popular migration cuts. He criticizes the establishment and Biden's policies while endorsing globalist views. Dimon emphasizes the need for education reform and more support for low-income Americans. He also discusses the negative impacts of 'Extraction Migration' on the economy and society.

Economic Challenges Facing Generation Z

A recent study shows 1 in 3 members of Generation Z have no income and a poor economic outlook. This has led to a decline in mental health and will likely impact their ability to afford homes, save for retirement, or start businesses. College enrollment rates have decreased as more young people opt out of four-year degrees due to cost, but high-quality education is still accessible online for free or at a fraction of the cost. The study suggests building supportive communities to bridge care gaps for mental health.

Destruction of Gaza's Universities

Gaza's revered universities, including the Islamic University of Gaza and Israa University, embody the aspirations and cultural heritage of Palestinians. However, these institutions have been destroyed by Israeli military airstrikes, leading to devastating consequences for students, professors, and the future of higher education in Gaza.

Wisconsin Schools to Teach Asian American and Hmong American Histories

Gov. Tony Evers signed a bipartisan bill requiring Wisconsin schools to teach Asian American and Hmong American histories to promote greater awareness and understanding of their cultures and traditions.

White House State Dinner for Teachers

First Lady Jill Biden announces a White House State Dinner to honor America's top teachers, including the newly named National Teacher of the Year, Missy Testerman.

Controversy Over Job Listing in Minnesota School District

A school district in Minnesota posted a job listing seeking an administrator to help steer district's policy on race with a focus on racial equity transformation, sparking controversy and discussions on racial issues in education.

Rising Cases of STIs in Older Adults

Cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rising rapidly in older adults across the world, emphasizing the need for more openness and education around sexual health in the over-50 crowd.

Underground Schools in Kharkiv, Ukraine

Due to ongoing conflict, schools in Kharkiv, Ukraine are moving underground to ensure safety for students. Maksym Timchenko, 7, attends classes in a subway station turned school, finding solace in the underground environment amidst frequent shelling. The city plans to build more underground schools to accommodate students, aiming to provide a sense of normalcy in a time of war.

Education and Women's Rights in Afghanistan

Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupt Biden, he acknowledges their point. Sola Mahfouz educates herself secretly in Afghanistan, now working as a quantum computer researcher. She works to bring awareness to the plight of Afghan girls banned from school by the Taliban. She co-wrote a memoir and is developing educational resources for women in Afghanistan. She and Malaina Kapoor are advocating for the rights of Afghan women and educating American children on the challenges in Afghanistan.

Children in Haiti working due to violence and lack of education

Children in Haiti are forced to work in binational marketplaces to support their families due to violence and lack of access to education. Many parents are struggling to keep their children safe and in school amidst ongoing gang violence in the country.

Legislation to Ban Teacher-led Discussions on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Alabama Schools

Alabama lawmakers advance legislation to ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools, as well as prohibit displaying Pride flags in classrooms under the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.

Jeffrey Yass - Top Donor in 2024 U.S. Election Cycle

Jeffrey Yass, a libertarian trading firm owner and former professional poker player, is the biggest donor in the 2024 U.S. election cycle, having donated over $46 million to Republican causes. He is a major investor in TikTok's Chinese owner ByteDance and supports school choice programs using taxpayer dollars for private and religious schools.

Pearl Harbor Survivor Dick Higgins Passing

Pearl Harbor survivor Dick Higgins, one of the few remaining survivors of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, has passed away at the age of 102. He will be laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.

Taliban's Ban on Girls' Education in Afghanistan

The Taliban in Afghanistan have barred more than 1 million girls from attending school, making it the only country with such restrictions on female education. The Taliban prioritize Islamic knowledge over basic literacy and numeracy, and have imposed harsh measures on women and girls since taking over in 2021.

Alabama Legislation on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs

Alabama's GOP-controlled Legislature passed legislation limiting teachings on 'divisive concepts' at public colleges and universities, and requiring transgender students to use bathrooms aligning with their biological sex.

South Carolina's 2024-25 Budget

South Carolina's $13.2 billion budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year was approved by the House with raises for teachers and state employees, property tax relief, bridge funding, and long-term income tax cuts.

Florida Settlement on 'Don't Say Gay' Law

Florida officials and civil rights attorneys reached a settlement allowing discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms, clarifying that the 'Don't Say Gay' law doesn't prohibit such conversations. The law also doesn't restrict LGBTQ+ representation, anti-bullying rules, or Gay-Straight Alliance groups in schools.

Florida Settlement on Discussing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Classrooms

A settlement in Florida allows for discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms without it being part of instruction, clarifying confusion created by the 'Don't Say Gay' law. The law remains intact but now permits discussing LGBTQ+ people, anti-bullying rules, and Gay-Straight Alliance groups.

Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Law

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs the Parental Rights in Education bill, also known as the 'Don't Say Gay' bill, but a settlement clarifies that students and teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms as long as it's not part of instruction. The law doesn't prohibit discussing LGBTQ+ people, anti-bullying rules based on sexual orientation and gender identity, or Gay-Straight Alliance groups.

President Biden's State of the Union Address 2024

President Biden's third State of the Union address was highly political, focusing on Democratic issues and critiquing his predecessor, Donald Trump, without mentioning him by name. The speech covered a range of topics including women's reproductive rights, economic policies, healthcare, education, and national security.

North Carolina Republican Primary for Superintendent of Public Instruction

Michele Morrow, a nurse and former Christian missionary, won the Republican primary for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction, defeating incumbent Catherine Truitt. Morrow criticized Truitt for not being conservative enough and for prioritizing radical agendas over scholastics. Truitt led the Department of Public Instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery, focusing on improving reading skills in early grades. Morrow will now face Democrat Maurice Green in the November election.

PragerU and Its Influence on Education

PragerU, a conservative content creator, is making short videos for young audiences and has faced criticism for its tone and accuracy. It has been embraced by some state education officials and is funded by wealthy donors. Critics argue it presents a single ideological direction, while supporters see it as a counter to left-wing bias in education.

Parental Rights Initiative in Washington State

Both sides in Oregon and Washington agree on the crisis of homelessness, drug use, and livability, but there are disagreements on how to address them. Washington passed a parents' bill of rights initiative, sparking debate on parental involvement in education. The legislature strategically approved some initiatives but will let others go to the ballot in November.

Controversy Over College Athletes Becoming Employees

College athletes potentially becoming employees of their schools is a controversial topic that Clemson head football coach Dabo Swinney disagrees with, preferring an emphasis on education while athletes get paid.

Deceptive Editing by '60 Minutes' in Interview with Moms for Liberty

Tiffany Justice criticizes '60 Minutes' for deceptive editing in interview about conservative parental rights group Moms for Liberty, claiming they were censored and portrayed negatively by CBS News. Moms for Liberty advocates for parental control over children's education and has faced backlash from the left for being overly censorious.

Alaska Governor threatens to veto education package with teacher bonuses

Alaska Governor threatens to veto education package that includes bonuses for teachers, sparking debate over education funding. Lawmakers question affordability and effectiveness of proposed bonuses.

Ban on Gender Ideology in El Salvador Public Schools

The government of El Salvador banned all gender ideology content from public schools, sparking controversy and mixed reactions.

Fraud in Arizona Education Voucher Program

Three former Arizona Department of Education employees indicted for fraud in education voucher program. Program criticized for costs and lax regulation. Expansion led to sharp increase in participants.