Tuition Increase in Georgia's Public Universities

Georgia's public universities and colleges will increase tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year to cover rising costs and maintain quality education. The typical in-state undergraduate will pay $6,466 in tuition and fees, up 2.4% from the previous year.

Key Points

  • Universities are facing rising costs for various expenses
  • Regents voted to increase tuition and fees at Georgia's 26 public schools
  • Students will still pay less than in 2022 due to the elimination of a separate fee
  • State funding has been increased by $200 million to support universities


  • Increased tuition may help maintain quality education standards
  • State funding has also increased, providing more financial support to universities


  • Higher costs may make it more challenging for some students to afford college
  • Out-of-state students will face even higher tuition rates