Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Message to American University Students

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praises American university students protesting Israel, welcomes them to the terrorist Resistance Front, encourages them to become familiar with the Quran. Critics highlight Khamenei's history of human rights abuses and radical policies.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Support for American Students' Anti-Israel Protests

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised American students for their anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests, calling them part of the 'Resistance Front' against Zionists. He also encouraged them to read the Quran. Khamenei's regime has a history of repressing student uprisings in Iran.

Pakistan Blasphemy Laws

A court in Pakistan sentenced a Muslim woman to life in prison for burning pages of Islam's holy book. Blasphemy laws in Pakistan can lead to death sentences. The woman denied the charge and has the right to appeal.

Terrorism Threat in Europe

Two Afghan citizens were detained in Germany for planning an attack near the Swedish parliament in response to Quran burnings. The attack was coordinated with IS members but never materialized. The suspects also raised funds for the Islamic State group.