Stabbing of Assyrian Church Bishop in Sydney

An Assyrian church bishop in Sydney forgives his attacker and calls for a Christlike response from his supporters after being stabbed during a service. The attacker claimed the bishop spoke about his prophet, leading to the incident being classified as a religiously motivated "terrorist" act.

Child Abuse in Utah Parenting Blogger's Home

Utah police find a 'panic room' in a parenting blogger's home where children were subjected to abuse by the blogger and her partner. The bloggers were motivated by religious extremism and believed the abuse was necessary for repentance and casting out evil spirits.

Christian Nationalism and Far-Right Organizing in California

A Southern Californian Pastor of a church called 'Ekklesia; The Unwoke Church' is baptizing Proud Boys and aligning with Christian nationalism, promoting 'spiritual warfare' against perceived threats to Christian values and ethics.