California Forever: A Bold Solution to California's Housing Crisis

The article discusses the ambitious project of building a new town called California Forever in Solano County, California, to address the state's housing crisis. The project faces challenges due to its secretive acquisition tactics, opposition from locals and environmental groups, and concerns about exacerbating the housing problem. The founder, Jan Sramek, aims to create a walkable community with renewable energy sources and modern amenities.

Deceptive Petition Gathering in Solano County, California

Residents in Solano County, California, were misled by petition gatherers who were collecting signatures for a zoning initiative by Silicon Valley billionaires under the guise of other causes like improving roads and preventing benefit cuts. The billionaires aim to rezone land for a new city development, but residents felt deceived and pressured to sign petitions with misleading information.

Proposed Bay Area Utopian City

California Forever releases new map of proposed Bay Area utopian city with plans for a sustainable community that could house up to 400,000 residents, backed by billionaire funders and facing skepticism from locals.

Billionaire-Backed Proposal for Eco-Friendly City in Solano County, California

A billionaire-backed proposal to build an eco-friendly California city from scratch is facing challenges in qualifying for the ballot in Solano County, California. The project envisions 20,000 homes, transit infrastructure, schools, jobs, and green space for an initial 50,000 residents.