Sunny Hostin mourns Trump's victory over Nikki Haley on 'The View'

Sunny Hostin of 'The View' wore all black to mourn Donald Trump's victory over Nikki Haley on Super Tuesday. Trump swept 14 states, moving closer to locking up the GOP nomination and a general election rematch with President Biden. Hostin criticized Haley and the modern Republican Party.

Melania Trump's Absence from Donald Trump's Super Tuesday Celebration

Melania Trump was absent from Donald Trump's Super Tuesday celebration, sparking speculation about their marriage. Despite rumors of marital issues, Melania is reportedly planning to increase her diplomatic appearances in 2024 to support her husband's presidential aspirations.

2024 Super Tuesday Results and Political News

President Joe Biden won most contests on Super Tuesday, but faced significant protest votes in several states due to his support for Israel. Nikki Haley dropped out of the 2024 race. McConnell endorses Trump for president.

Accuracy of Republican Presidential Primary Polls on Super Tuesday

Republican presidential primary polls were accurate in most states on Super Tuesday, except in Vermont where Nikki Haley pulled off an upset. Polls accurately predicted significant margins in Alabama, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and California. Haley won Vermont despite polls favoring Trump.

Nikki Haley Suspends Presidential Campaign

Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign after being defeated on Super Tuesday, leaving Donald Trump as the last major candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination.

Donald Trump's Victory Party at Mar-a-Lago on Super Tuesday

During Super Tuesday, Donald Trump's campaign held a victory party at Mar-a-Lago with supporters celebrating his successes. The event featured lavish decorations, high-profile guests, and speeches from Trump and his associates.

MSNBC's Super Tuesday Election Coverage

During MSNBC's Super Tuesday election coverage, the panel openly laughed at voters who prioritize the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. They suggested that Republican voters are motivated by racial animus rather than economic concerns.

Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign Suspension

Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign after being defeated on Super Tuesday, leaving Donald Trump as the last major candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination. She challenged Trump to earn support from moderate Republicans and independents. Haley's departure clears the path for Trump's likely rematch with President Joe Biden.

Support for Nikki Haley in North Carolina and Virginia

Most supporters of Nikki Haley in North Carolina and Virginia voted against the opponent rather than for their candidate, according to a CNN exit poll. Despite this, Trump secured victories in 14 out of 15 states on Super Tuesday, prompting Haley to suspend her presidential campaign and acknowledge Trump as the likely nominee.

Political Feud between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley

Former President Donald Trump criticized Nikki Haley on Truth Social for not endorsing him after she performed poorly on Super Tuesday. Haley, who spent over $114 million on her campaign, received donations from Democrats and was accused of being supported by radical left Democrats. Trump urged her to stay in the race and emphasized his success on Super Tuesday, inviting Haley supporters to join his movement. Biden used the opportunity to try to divide the Republican Party by welcoming Haley's supporters to his campaign.

Former President Trump's 2024 Campaign and McConnell's Endorsement

Former President Trump dominates Super Tuesday elections, receives endorsement from Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell for 2024 campaign. McConnell previously criticized Trump for Capitol riot but now supports him as nominee.

Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign Suspension

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspends her presidential campaign after Super Tuesday losses, expressing gratitude for the support she received and emphasizing the need for a smaller federal government and term limits for Washington politicians. She falls short of endorsing Donald Trump but acknowledges he will likely be the Republican nominee.

Super Tuesday Voters Send Message to President Biden Over Support for Israel

Tens of thousands of Super Tuesday voters sent a message to President Biden by choosing 'uncommitted' on their ballots over voting for him, protesting his support for Israel. The 'uncommitted' votes in several states could impact his re-election campaign in 2024.

MSNBC's Coverage of Donald Trump's Victory Speech on Super Tuesday

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow criticizes her own network for airing Donald Trump's victory speech on Super Tuesday, calling it irresponsible. Maddow suggests fact-checking Trump and expresses concern about giving a platform to his untrue statements.

San Francisco Ballot Measures on Super Tuesday

Voters in San Francisco passed ballot measures on Super Tuesday that expanded police powers, required drug screening for welfare recipients, and reduced restrictions on commercial real estate development, marking a shift away from progressive policies.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Voters discuss their support for either Trump or Biden on Super Tuesday, with concerns about economy, immigration, and global instability. The election is predicted to be close due to high voter dissatisfaction with both candidates. Trump leads in electoral college votes but faces challenges due to past controversies. Biden also struggles with low polling numbers and dissatisfaction from voters. Several third-party candidates are gaining support, making the election unpredictable.

U.S. President Joe Biden's Loss in American Samoa Democratic Caucuses to Jason Palmer

U.S. President Joe Biden lost the American Samoa Democratic caucuses to entrepreneur Jason Palmer on Super Tuesday, with Palmer winning 56% of the vote. Palmer calls for passing the torch to the next generation and emphasizes the need for new leadership.

Nikki Haley suspends 2024 presidential campaign

Nikki Haley suspends her 2024 Republican presidential campaign, not expected to endorse Trump immediately. Trump sweeps 14 states on Super Tuesday, moving closer to securing GOP nomination and facing Biden in a general election rematch.

MSNBC Mocking Virginia Republican Voters on Immigration

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki mocked Virginia Republican voters who have concerns about the border during coverage of Super Tuesday results.

Conservative reactions to Super Tuesday results and call for unity behind Trump

Prominent conservatives react to former President Trump's victories on Super Tuesday, calling for unity behind him as the GOP nominee. Trump supporters urge party to rally around him for the upcoming election against Joe Biden.

Donald Trump's Super Tuesday Wins

Former President Donald Trump's wins in Super Tuesday primaries dismissed by Biden campaign officials as evidence of his vulnerability in the general election. Despite Trump's popularity and momentum, the Biden campaign sees him as a wounded and dangerous candidate.

Super Tuesday 2024 Election Results

President Biden and former President Trump projected to win California on Super Tuesday. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley secures first statewide victory in Vermont. Businessman Jason Palmer wins in American Samoa against Biden. Haley faces challenges in unifying Republican Party against Trump.

2024 Super Tuesday Election Results

President Joe Biden and Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, solidifying a November rematch and pressuring Nikki Haley to exit the Republican race. Both candidates won numerous states, with Biden losing only in American Samoa. Important down-ballot races also took shape.

2024 Super Tuesday Results

Former President Trump and President Biden are one step closer to a 2024 general election rematch after both had victories on Super Tuesday. Trump highlighted the importance of November 5th and his victories in GOP nominating contests, while Biden emphasized the need to defend democracy. Haley, Trump's remaining rival, is facing pressure to step aside and let Trump take on Biden in November.

Donald Trump speech on Super Tuesday

Former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters on Super Tuesday for the Republican primary.

Former President Trump's reaction to Super Tuesday results

Former President Trump reacts to Super Tuesday results, expressing confidence in his campaign and plans for the future.

Nikki Haley's Support and Super Tuesday Results

CNN exit poll reveals that half of Nikki Haley's supporters in North Carolina are not part of the MAGA movement. 85% of Haley supporters in NC approve of Biden as president. Calls for Haley to drop out as Trump wins multiple Super Tuesday states.

Tennessee Republican Primary Results

Former President Donald Trump won the Tennessee Republican Primary by a landslide, with 80% of the votes against Nikki Haley's 16.5%. Haley has lost every Republican primary so far, despite spending over $76 million in four primary states. The Republican primary in Tennessee took place on Super Tuesday, with President Joe Biden winning on the Democrat side.

Musician Promotes Album at Super Tuesday Polling Place

Monty Bynum turns a Super Tuesday polling place into a stage to promote his music business by playing his song 'King Of NC' and handing out cards with a QR code to hear his album.

Super Tuesday and Political Dynamics in Michigan

Super Tuesday is a significant event in the presidential primary process with 15 states and one US Territory voting. Michigan's Democratic primary had over 13% of voters choose 'uncommitted,' many of whom are Arab Americans sending a message to Joe Biden. The 2024 election is expected to be a close race between Biden and Trump, and foreign conflicts may impact domestic politics.

Social Media Outages on Super Tuesday

Facebook, Instagram, and Threads are experiencing outages on Super Tuesday, leading to error messages for users trying to log in. Over 450,000 reports of Facebook outages and 73,000 instances of Instagram being down have been noted. The outage coincides with Super Tuesday, a significant day for primary elections. Meta Communications Director is working on resolving the issue.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Donald Trump aims to secure a third consecutive Republican nomination on Super Tuesday, with Nikki Haley as his lone challenger. Trump is leading in most states, potentially setting up a rematch with President Joe Biden in November. Haley's campaign faces uncertainty after losing her home state of South Carolina.

Former President Trump's Response to Nikki Haley's Claims and Super Tuesday

Former President Trump addresses House Democrats' effort to remove him from the ballot, refutes opponent Nikki Haley's claims, and discusses key issues for voters on Super Tuesday.

2024 Republican Presidential Nomination Race

Former President Donald Trump remains the overwhelming choice of likely Republican primary voters as he continues cruising toward his party’s 2024 presidential nomination, with a poll showing him crushing his last remaining competitor, former Gov. Nikki Haley. Trump leads in almost all 15 Super Tuesday states, with notable differences in support across different demographics. Some cite his track record as president and his personal behavior as reasons for not voting for him. There are concerns about potential impact on the November election.

Bed Bugs at MSNBC's Manhattan Headquarters

Bed bugs found at MSNBC's Manhattan headquarters caused staffers to scatter ahead of the left-leaning network's Super Tuesday coverage. The issue was quickly addressed with extermination and environmental checks.

2024 Republican Presidential Nomination Race

Former President Donald Trump is expected to gain significant ground in the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race on Super Tuesday, bringing him closer to clinching the nomination over his remaining rival, Nikki Haley.

Donald Trump wins North Dakota Republican caucuses

Former President Donald Trump wins North Dakota Republican caucuses ahead of Super Tuesday, securing a significant lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. Trump's victory adds to his previous wins in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho.

Donald Trump's speech at Mar-a-Lago before Super Tuesday

Former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at Mar-a-Lago on the eve of Super Tuesday for the Republican presidential primary.

GOP Presidential Nominating Contest in Washington, D.C.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley won the Washington, D.C., primary over former President Donald Trump, giving her campaign momentum ahead of Super Tuesday. Haley received 63% of the GOP primary vote to Trump's 33%.

2024 Republican Primary Campaign

Fox News reports on Nikki Haley's victory in Washington, D.C. primary and upcoming rally in Portland, Maine ahead of Super Tuesday. Controversy surrounds Haley's refusal to commit to supporting Trump if he secures the GOP nomination.

Alabama's new congressional seat candidates targeting young Black voters

Candidates for Alabama's new congressional seat are aiming for high turnout among young Black voters ahead of Super Tuesday.

Nikki Haley wins Washington, D.C., GOP primary

Nikki Haley wins the Washington, D.C., GOP primary over former President Donald Trump, giving her campaign momentum ahead of Super Tuesday. Haley took 63% of the GOP primary vote to 33% for Trump, securing the District's 19 delegates.

Republican Presidential Nomination Process

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate GOP nomination process by winning caucuses in Idaho and Missouri and sweeping delegate haul in Michigan. Trump earned all 39 delegates at Michigan convention, bringing his count to 244 compared to 24 for Nikki Haley. Next event is in the District of Columbia with Super Tuesday following shortly after.

Donald Trump's Victories in Republican Caucuses

Donald Trump dominated the Idaho Republican Caucuses and secured all 32 available delegates in his march to the nomination. He also won caucuses in Missouri and Michigan, delivering a victory speech in Virginia. Nikki Haley, his lone opponent, is unlikely to catch up in delegate count. Trump reiterated his promises on tax cuts, tough stance on China, and crime. Super Tuesday states and upcoming primaries will further solidify his lead.

Fox News coverage of Super Tuesday 2024 Presidential Primaries

Fox News provides extensive live coverage of the Super Tuesday presidential primaries in 2024 with key anchors and commentators

Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign Fundraising

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, a Republican presidential candidate, raised $12 million last month for her campaign. She continues to pour funds into campaigning ahead of Super Tuesday despite not winning any nominating contests yet.

Biden-Harris Re-election Campaign Staffing and Strategy

The Biden-Harris re-election campaign has announced the hiring of three key staffers after a chunk of Democrats voted 'uncommitted' in the Michigan primary and ahead of Super Tuesday. President Biden's lead over Trump is shrinking in the 2024 matchup. The campaign is also launching a nationwide effort to win over women.

Political News

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to resign after Super Tuesday primaries. Various political and social issues are discussed in the content.

2024 Elections: Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign

Nikki Haley hints at potentially ending her presidential campaign after Super Tuesday following a series of losses and attacks from Donald Trump. Despite planning to campaign in several states and holding fundraisers, her chances of success seem slim.

Potential 'No Labels' Candidate: Nikki Haley

Joe Cunningham, national director of 'No Labels', expressed interest in having Nikki Haley as their candidate if she drops out of the GOP race. 'No Labels' aims to offer another choice if Americans are unhappy with the presumptive nominees. They will decide on a candidate after Super Tuesday.

South Carolina Republican Primary Results

Donald Trump won South Carolina's Republican primary, beating Nikki Haley in her home state. Haley vows to continue campaigning in Super Tuesday states despite pressure to leave the race.

Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

Nikki Haley continues to run for President in the GOP primary race despite poor primary performance in South Carolina. She is making a final stand against Donald Trump on Super Tuesday with a strong lead in Michigan but facing a steep climb to clinch the nomination.

Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign Strategy

Nikki Haley plans to launch a seven-figure national cable and digital ad buy ahead of Super Tuesday despite trailing in polls in South Carolina. Her campaign strategy focuses on appealing to non-conservative voters in open primary states.