New China Tariffs by Biden Administration

President Joe Biden's administration is planning to impose new China tariffs targeting strategic sectors like electric vehicles, batteries, and solar cells ahead of the 2024 election. The move is seen as a shift in policy from Biden's earlier stance on tariffs.

American Views on China

A Pew Research Center survey reveals that over 40% of Americans now view China as an enemy, with only 6% considering it a partner. Attitudes have turned critical due to factors like the U.S.-China trade war, COVID-19, and Beijing's human rights record. The Biden administration is working to manage U.S.-China relations while countering China on various global issues.

China's Excess Capacity in Clean Energy Products

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns about China's excess capacity in clean energy products, affecting global market prices and hurting American firms. Yellen plans to address this issue during her upcoming visit to China.