American Views on China

A Pew Research Center survey reveals that over 40% of Americans now view China as an enemy, with only 6% considering it a partner. Attitudes have turned critical due to factors like the U.S.-China trade war, COVID-19, and Beijing's human rights record. The Biden administration is working to manage U.S.-China relations while countering China on various global issues.

Key Points

  • Over 40% of Americans view China as an enemy
  • Only 6% of Americans consider China a partner
  • Factors contributing to negative views include the trade war, COVID-19, and human rights concerns
  • Biden administration working to manage U.S.-China relations


  • Increased awareness of U.S.-China relations
  • Insight into American sentiment towards China


  • Rising tensions between the U.S. and China
  • Potential for misunderstandings and conflicts