Ray J and Diddy's Relationship

Ray J has distanced himself from Diddy, citing the growing number of sexual abuse allegations against the music mogul. He called for Diddy to be sentenced to corporal punishment and to disappear from the spotlight.

Investigation into Sean "Diddy" Combs for Sexual Assault Allegations

Federal investigators are preparing to bring accusers of music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs before a federal grand jury, with potential witnesses being notified. The investigation involves civil lawsuits accusing Combs of sexual assault, aiding and abetting, drugging, and revenge porn. The scope of the investigation includes sex trafficking, money laundering, and illegal drugs. Combs has denied most claims but has not responded to all allegations.

Dismissal of Civil Lawsuits Against Former Libyan Military Commander

U.S. judge dismisses civil lawsuits against former Libyan military commander accused of war crimes due to lack of jurisdiction, despite his U.S. citizenship and ties to Virginia. The commander, Khalifa Hifter, denied orchestrating attacks against civilians.