Antisemitism concerns in Los Angeles district attorney's office

Deputy district attorneys in Los Angeles express concerns about antisemitism in the office after clashes outside a synagogue. District Attorney Gascon faces criticism for slow response to Hamas attack, endorsements from groups accused of antisemitism, and alleged discrimination against Jewish prosecutors.

Protests in Kenya over Tax Increases

Protesters in Kenya demand President William Ruto resign over proposed tax increases, even after he withdrew the legislation following deadly protests. Crowds call for further action and step down of the president, leading to clashes with police and military presence in the streets.

Protests in Nairobi over Finance Bill

Kenyan police clashed with protesters in Nairobi over a contentious finance bill, despite the president's decision not to sign it after deadly chaos. Protests originated online demanding legislators reject tax hikes and later called for the president's resignation. At least 22 people were reportedly killed in the chaos. US Secretary of State urged restraint and prompt investigations into human rights abuses.

Protests in Kenya over Tax Hikes

Protesters clashed with police in Kenya's capital Nairobi over proposed tax increases, resulting in at least 23 deaths and numerous injuries. Demonstrators are calling for President William Ruto to resign amid a nationwide protest movement.

Kenyan protests over tax hike

Intense clashes and protests in Kenya after lawmakers approved a tax-raising proposal

Clashes at Los Angeles Synagogue

President Biden condemns threats to Jewish members of a Los Angeles synagogue after clashes between anti-Israel activists and Israel supporters. DOJ declines to comment on potential investigation. Tensions rise following Hamas' terror attack in Israel and Israel's response in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Protests in New York City

Recent anti-Israel protests in New York City and clashes outside a Manhattan exhibit memorializing victims of a festival attack. Fox News reports on the incidents.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA

Anti-Israel protesters set up new encampment at UCLA, leading to clashes with police and arrests. Demonstrators call for colleges to end business ties with Israel amid ongoing war in Middle East.

Protests against President Biden's support of Israel and proposed legislation in Ohio

Thousands protested outside the White House against President Biden's support of Israel. Ohio lawmaker proposed legislation requiring rioters to pay for damages. Protests across the country demand cutting ties with Israel. State Bill 267 aims to hold rioters accountable and empower law enforcement. Anti-Israel protests led to clashes and arrests nationwide.

Clashes in London between Supporters of Iran's Authorities and Anti-Government Protesters

Clashes between supporters of Iran's authorities and anti-government protesters in London result in four injuries and one arrest at an event marking the death of President Ebrahim Raisi. The incident occurred at a venue in Wembley, where protesters gathered outside and clashes broke out.

Student Protests for Palestine

Student protests in various universities across the U.S. in support of Palestine lead to clashes with supporters of Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

Pro-Palestinian Activism on College Campuses

Pro-Palestinian activists have launched encampments at over 70 campuses to protest Israel's military assault on Gaza, leading to clashes with police and arrests. University communities express frustration with administrators' handling of protests.

Pro-Palestinian Protests on U.S. College Campuses

Police arrest over 2,000 people at pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the U.S., with chaotic scenes at UCLA, where protesters defied orders to leave and were eventually arrested. Encampments of protesters calling for an end to the Israel-Hamas war have spread nationwide, leading to clashes and disruptions on campuses.

Iran's Shiraz University Offers Scholarships to US Students Expelled for Pro-Palestinian Protests

Iran's Shiraz University offers scholarships to US students expelled for pro-Palestinian protests. The Iranian regime supports Hamas against Israel, resulting in clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups at US universities.

Conflict at UCLA over Anti-Israel Encampment

Law enforcement officials at UCLA dismantle anti-Israel encampment amid clashes with protesters, leading to arrests and a tense standoff. The situation escalated following a violent attack by counter-protesters the night before.

UCLA Cancels Classes Due to Violence at Pro-Palestinian Encampment

UCLA cancels classes due to violence at pro-Palestinian encampment on campus, involving clashes between protesters and counterprotesters. LAPD called in to restore order. Jewish Federation denounces the violent attacks.

Anti-Israel Protest at UCLA

Anti-Israel protesters at UCLA claim that Zionist thugs released rats into their encampment, leading to violence and clashes with pro-Israel counter-protesters.

Anti-Israel protests at UNC Chapel Hill

Anti-Israel protesters replaced the American flag with a Palestinian flag at UNC Chapel Hill campus, leading to clashes and detentions. Students defended the American flag and sang the National Anthem.

Clashes between Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators at UCLA

Violence erupted at UCLA as pro-Israel demonstrators clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters who were camping on campus, leading to minor injuries and police intervention. Similar protests against the Israel-Hamas war have occurred at universities across the U.S.

Violent Clashes at UCLA between Anti-Israel and Pro-Israel Protesters

Anarchy broke out at UCLA when anti-Israel protests turned violent, leading to clashes between opposing groups. Police in riot gear were called to restore order after two hours of chaos.

Violent Clashes at UCLA Campus

Violent clashes break out at UCLA campus as counter-demonstrators attack pro-Palestinian protest encampment with sticks and fireworks. Law enforcement called in to control the situation.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations at U.S. Universities

Clashes broke out at pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the UCLA campus, leading to violence and arrests. Similar protests are happening at universities nationwide in response to Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley have sparked clashes between pro-Israel and anti-Israel demonstrators. California Governor Gavin Newsom and other state officials have refrained from commenting on the protests. Campus violence ensued with fights, items being thrown, and pepper spray deployed before police responded. UCLA has taken immediate actions to address the disruptions caused by the protests.

University Protests

Pro-Palestinian protesters occupy university buildings across the United States, leading to arrests and clashes with law enforcement. University officials condemn the takeovers, emphasizing the need for peaceful protests.

Student Protests for Palestinian Rights

Students at universities in the U.S. and Canada are protesting for Palestinian human rights, demanding divestment from companies profiting from war. Encampments have led to clashes and arrests at various campuses.

Anti-Israel Protests in the U.S.

Anti-Israel protests break out in cities nationwide with clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups, leading to arrests and disruptions in major economic hubs.

Bishop Stabbed in Sydney Church

A bishop was stabbed during a livestreamed service at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Sydney, Australia, leading to anger and clashes with riot police.

Protests in Jerusalem against Netanyahu's Government

Protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's government erupted in Jerusalem over criticism of the response to a Hamas attack on Israel. Clashes also occurred over the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service.

Political Divisions in Lebanon Over Hezbollah's Role in Clashes with Israel

Lebanon's political divisions over Hezbollah's involvement in clashes with Israel have been highlighted by a nun's praise of the Shiite militant group, sparking controversy and debate in the country.

Pro-Palestinian protests in New York City

Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police outside President Biden's fundraiser in New York City, disrupting the event with chants and slogans. Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were also in attendance.

Protesters disrupt President Biden's fundraiser in NYC

Anti-Israel protesters disrupted President Biden's star-studded fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Protesters clashed with NYPD officers both inside and outside the event, interrupting speeches by Biden, Obama, and Clinton on Gaza.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has a long history, with current developments focusing on a cease-fire deal, humanitarian aid, and hostage release. Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz to address civilian casualties and safety concerns in Rafah. Former Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz's visit to the U.S. may strain his relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Biden initially supported Israel's right to defend itself but has criticized Netanyahu's military response as disproportionate. The U.S. has begun air-dropping aid to Gaza, facing challenges due to ongoing fighting and poor coordination with Israel. Recent clashes resulted in a significant number of casualties and injuries.

Israel Defense Forces conduct naval exercises near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces conducted naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah. Clashes along the Israeli-Lebanese border have intensified as Hezbollah continues to fire rockets and drones at Israel. Israeli leaders have stated that if a diplomatic solution is not found, they will go to war in Lebanon.