Clashes between Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators at UCLA

Violence erupted at UCLA as pro-Israel demonstrators clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters who were camping on campus, leading to minor injuries and police intervention. Similar protests against the Israel-Hamas war have occurred at universities across the U.S.

Key Points

  • Violence erupted at UCLA as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed
  • Minor injuries reported, including pepper spray and melee wounds
  • Similar protests against the Israel-Hamas war occurring at universities across the U.S.
  • Pro-Palestinian protesters demanding university disclosure of financial ties with Israel-based groups and divestment from such companies
  • Chancellor Block requested police intervention after clashes erupted
  • Questions raised about the delayed police response and lack of protection for students


  • Protests shed light on the Israel-Hamas conflict and raise awareness on campus
  • Demand for university disclosure of financial ties with Israel-based groups and divestment from companies doing business there


  • Violence and clashes leading to injuries and police intervention
  • Allegations of delayed response by administrators and police