Decriminalization of Marijuana in Brazil

Brazil's Supreme Court has voted to decriminalize possession of marijuana for personal use, aiming to reduce the massive prison population in the country. The ruling is expected to take effect soon, but Congress is simultaneously working on tightening drug legislation.

Oregon's Re-Criminalization of Drug Possession

Oregon is set to re-criminalize drug possession after decriminalizing it in 2020 due to a surge in overdoses and open-air drug use. The proposed plan in Multnomah County has faced criticism for maintaining the status quo with limited access to treatment.

Critique of California's Far-Left Policies by Jillian Michaels

Fitness expert Jillian Michaels criticizes California's far-left policies and explains why she left the state, highlighting issues such as decriminalization without regulation, gender affirming medical care for children, and off-label cancer drugs for minors.

Bolivia's Effort to Destigmatize and Export Coca Leaf Products

Bolivia is pushing to destigmatize and export coca leaf products, including coca-infused beer, with hopes of creating a global market. The World Health Organization is conducting a scientific review to study coca's non-narcotic benefits, potentially leading to decriminalization worldwide.

Decriminalization of Abortion in Germany

An independent experts commission in Germany recommended decriminalizing abortion and making it legal during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, sparking debate and reactions from various groups including the government and the Catholic Church.

Oregon Governor Signs Bill to Recriminalize Drug Possession

Oregon's Democrat governor signed a bill to restore criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of drugs due to addiction and overdose issues in the state. Possession of hard drugs like heroin and methamphetamine will now be considered a misdemeanor with potential jail time.

Decriminalization of Small Amounts of Hard Drugs

In 2020, voters approved a ballot measure to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of hard drugs. Journalist E. Tammy Kim explains the shift in public opinion.

Oregon's Recriminalization of Drug Possession

Oregon lawmakers have recriminalized drug possession in response to a rise in overdose deaths and open-air drug use, leading to a shift in the state's drug laws.

Oregon lawmakers vote to recriminalize certain drugs after overdose deaths surge in Portland

Oregon lawmakers have voted to recriminalize certain drugs after a surge in overdose deaths in Portland. A bill decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of drugs was passed by the state Senate and House, enabling police to crack down on drug use and offer drug treatment as an alternative to criminal penalties.

Portugal's Health-Based Approach to Addiction vs. U.S. Drug War Model

Dr. João Goulão of Portugal shifted addiction response to health care, reducing overdose deaths drastically. Portugal's decriminalization and health-based approach led to a significant drop in drug deaths, HIV/AIDS cases, and hepatitis. Police in Portugal refer drug users to counseling instead of arresting them, contributing to lower stigma and increased treatment participation.

Oregon's Measure 110 and the Debate Over Decriminalizing Drug Possession

Oregon's Measure 110 decriminalized possession of small amounts of hard drugs in favor of treatment over punishment, leading to a fierce debate amid a spiraling opioid crisis. While the law was celebrated as a compassionate approach to addiction, recent backlash has sparked discussions on reinstating criminal penalties for drug possession.