Decriminalization of Abortion in Germany

An independent experts commission in Germany recommended decriminalizing abortion and making it legal during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, sparking debate and reactions from various groups including the government and the Catholic Church.

Key Points

  • Commission recommends legalizing abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Abortion in Germany is currently considered illegal but not punishable under certain conditions.
  • Recommendation could lead to reformation of current abortion regulations.


  • Decriminalization could provide women with more autonomy and access to safe abortion services.
  • Recommendation aims to reduce stigma and provide support to women in need of abortion.
  • Potential for reform in current regulations to better serve women's reproductive rights.


  • Opposition from groups like the Catholic Church who advocate for life protection from conception.
  • Potential division in society over the issue of abortion decriminalization.
  • Concerns over the ethical implications of legalizing abortion during the early stages of pregnancy.