Venezuelan Migration Amid Political Repression and Economic Collapse

Many Venezuelans are considering leaving the country following disputed election results, political repression, and economic collapse. Those who have already fled are paying close attention to events in Venezuela and organizing protests in the U.S.

The Economic Collapse in the US

The article discusses the current economic downturn, high debt levels, rising delinquency rates, and increasing foreclosures in the US. It highlights the struggles of Americans, such as pawn shop inventory increases and job losses, indicating a bleak future ahead.

Argentina's Inflation Rate and President Javier Milei's Austerity Policies

Argentina registered a 13.2 percent inflation rate in February, attributed to President Javier Milei's austerity policies. Milei implemented 'shock therapy' measures to combat economic collapse after years of socialist rule. Inflation has slowed down from previous months.

Gold Hoarding for Doomsday Prepping

Millionaires and elites are hoarding gold as part of their doomsday preparations to use for bartering in case of an economic collapse or other catastrophic event. Gold sales have surged due to concerns over the devaluation of the dollar and potential economic instability.

Gold Hoarding for Doomsday Prepping Among Millionaires and Elites

Millionaires and elites are hoarding gold as part of their doomsday preparations to barter with it in case of an economic collapse or other catastrophic events. The surge in gold sales is fueled by concerns over the devaluation of the dollar and overall economic instability.