Biden and Harris's Efforts to Bridge Enthusiasm Gap with Black Voters

Kamala Harris shines at a Black outreach event in Philadelphia, boosting enthusiasm for the Biden administration among Black voters. Her performance highlights accomplishments benefiting the Black community and her potential impact on key issues like abortion rights.

Enthusiasm among Black Voters for President Joe Biden

Enthusiasm among black voters for President Joe Biden is sharply less than it was four years ago due to concerns about the economy, Middle East tension, criminal justice, and election integrity reforms. Confidence in Biden's economic leadership is at a historically low point.

Enthusiasm Gap between Biden and Trump Supporters

Enthusiasm for President Joe Biden on the 2024 campaign trail pales in comparison to the enthusiasm for former President Donald Trump. Biden's recent visit to a gas station in Pittsburgh saw little interaction from patrons, while Trump was greeted with much fanfare during his visit to a Harlem bodega.