Biden and Harris's Efforts to Bridge Enthusiasm Gap with Black Voters

Kamala Harris shines at a Black outreach event in Philadelphia, boosting enthusiasm for the Biden administration among Black voters. Her performance highlights accomplishments benefiting the Black community and her potential impact on key issues like abortion rights.

Key Points

  • Kamala Harris's performance at the event showcased her potential as a key asset for the Biden administration in engaging Black voters.
  • Biden's approval rating among Black voters remains a concern, with efforts to address this gap ongoing.
  • Harris's focus on important issues like abortion rights could be crucial in the upcoming election.


  • Kamala Harris's strong performance at a Black outreach event in Philadelphia boosts enthusiasm for the Biden administration among Black voters.
  • Harris highlighted accomplishments that specifically benefit the Black community, such as affordable insulin, student debt forgiveness, and investments in historically-Black colleges.
  • Her emphasis on key issues like abortion rights and her relatable approach could help in winning over more voters.


  • Biden continues to struggle with Black voters, with a relatively low approval rating among this demographic.
  • Some concerns remain about Biden's ability to connect with the community compared to past Democratic leaders like Obama and Clinton.