Trial of Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

Beloved Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is facing a 'sham' trial in Russia on espionage charges, with his family and employer demanding his immediate release. The American journalist has been detained in Russia since March 2023, accused of gathering secret information for the CIA.

Trial of WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

The trial of WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia for espionage charges has begun. Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. government deny the accusations.

Julian Assange's return to Australia

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange lands in Australia after pleading guilty to violating U.S. espionage law, ending a 14-year legal battle.

Current Events

Deadly protests in Kenya against proposed tax hike, U.S. Veepstakes ongoing, Wall Street Journal reporter on trial for espionage in Russia, Earthship Atlantis on the market, Gaza facing severe malnutrition crisis

Julian Assange's Return to Australia

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returns to Australia after a 14-year legal battle, pleading guilty to U.S. espionage laws, avoiding extradition to the U.S. and receiving a sentence of time served. His release is celebrated by supporters but criticized by some in Australia.

Espionage Charges Against Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is facing espionage charges in Russia, accused of gathering secret information for the CIA. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison. The trial is starting behind closed doors in Yekaterinburg.

Espionage Trial of Wall Street Journal Correspondent in Russia

The espionage trial of Wall Street Journal correspondent Gershkovich has begun in Yekaterinburg, Russia, where he was detained 15 months ago.

Various News Updates

Biden pardons veterans convicted under law against gay sex, CDC issues dengue fever alert, and Paris Olympics one month away. Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich faces trial in Russia on espionage charges.

Trial of Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is on trial in Russia on espionage charges that are widely believed to be false. The trial is closed to the public, and Gershkovich faces up to 20 years in prison if found guilty.

Chinese Entities Buying Farmland Near US Military Bases

Chinese entities have been buying farmland near US military bases, raising concerns about potential espionage and sabotage. The US government and officials are alarmed by the lack of laws preventing this and are heightening investigations to counter espionage attempts.

Chinese Spy Agencies Recruiting Hackers for Cyberattacks

China's spy agencies recruit young hackers through talent competitions to launch cyberattacks on the US, fueling concerns about cybersecurity and espionage.

American Journalist Detained in Russia on Espionage Charges

American journalist Evan Gershkovich faces espionage charges in Russia after being accused of spying for the United States. He strongly denies the allegations, as does his employer, The Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. government. Gershkovich could face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty.

American reporter on trial for espionage in Russia

American reporter Evan Gershkovitch is set to go on trial for alleged espionage in Russia.

Evan Gershkovich Spy Trial in Russia

American journalist Evan Gershkovich to stand trial in Russia on charges of spying for the CIA, which many consider trumped-up. President Biden has called for his release, but Russian authorities have presented no evidence. Gershkovich has been kept in harsh conditions in Lefortovo Prison, with his detention weighing on his family.

Michigan Lawyer and GOP Candidate's Controversial Defense of Chinese-Owned Firm

Former President Trump discusses his plan to combat China's aggression if elected in 2024. Michigan lawyer and GOP candidate defended a Chinese-owned firm linked to espionage investigations. Controversy arises over candidate's ties to Chinese Communist Party.

Donald Trump considers pardoning Julian Assange

Former President Donald Trump said he would consider pardoning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange if re-elected, sparking discussions on the ongoing illegal immigration crisis, wars, and his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various lawmakers and Republican figures have also called for Assange's pardon, as he faces charges related to espionage and computer misuse.

Surge of Chinese Nationals Crossing U.S. Border and National Security Implications

Fox News discusses the surge of Chinese nationals crossing the border into the San Diego sector and the national security implications. Some lawmakers express concerns about potential espionage by the Chinese Communist Party and the movement of fentanyl into the U.S.

Russia's Shadow War Against the West

Estonian Prime Minister discusses Russia's shadow war against the West and the rise in sabotage, electronic warfare, and spying blamed on Moscow. NATO allies are being urged to be tougher on Russia amidst growing concerns of hybrid operations and attacks on foes of President Vladimir Putin.

Man charged with assisting Hong Kong authorities dies in unexplained circumstances in the UK

A man charged with assisting Hong Kong authorities with gathering intelligence in the United Kingdom has died in unexplained circumstances. The death is being investigated by British police.

Chinese Cyber Warfare on the West

China's army of hackers is waging a cyber war on the West to establish a new world order, with the UK government officials warning of significant cyber risks and espionage activities. The threat is seen as part of China's strategy to reshape global technology standards and assert dominance in the next decade.

Foreign Espionage Charges in the UK

British police have charged three men with assisting the Hong Kong intelligence service amid concerns of foreign interference. The arrests were made under a new law allowing detention without warrant in national security cases.

Record-Breaking Illegal Immigration in the U.S.

Discussion on record-breaking illegal immigration under President Biden, including tens of thousands of illegal immigrants evading Border Patrol, with concerns raised about Chinese illegal immigrants and the potential for espionage.

U.S. Navy Sailor Convicted of Espionage

U.S. Navy sailor convicted of sharing classified defense information with a foreign government representative, found guilty of attempted espionage and other charges. The sailor shared information with a foreign agent under the guise of writing research papers. The sentencing is scheduled for May 7.

Polish-Ukrainian Intelligence Operation and Arrest of Polish Citizen for Hostile Reconnaissance Against Airport Used by Zelensky

A joint intelligence operation between Poland and Ukraine led to the arrest of a Polish citizen who was allegedly conducting hostile reconnaissance against an airport used by Ukrainian President Zelensky. The suspect was believed to be in contact with Russian intelligence and tasked with gathering information for a possible assassination attempt on Zelensky's life. Russian authorities claim it was a cover-story for a Western attempt to dispose of the Ukrainian President.

China's Ministry of State Security

China's Ministry of State Security has become more powerful and public in suppressing dissent and monitoring foreign activity, as illustrated by the story of an American teacher's wife detained on suspicion of endangering national security.

Arrests in Poland and Germany for Alleged Espionage Involving Russia and Ukraine

A Polish man has been arrested in Poland on allegations of preparing to assist Russia's military intelligence in a plot to assassinate Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by passing on airport security information. Two German-Russian men have also been arrested in Germany on suspicion of espionage related to sabotaging aid for Ukraine.

German-Russian Men Arrested for Espionage and Planning Attacks in Germany

Two German-Russian men have been arrested on suspicion of spying for Russia and planning attacks in Germany, including on US army targets, to undermine military support for Ukraine.

German-Russian dual citizens accused of espionage for Russia

Two German-Russian dual citizens were arrested by Federal police in Germany for allegedly being members of a pro-Kremlin terrorist organization, scouting military bases, and planning bombings to undermine military support to Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Espionage in Germany

Two men arrested in Germany on suspicion of spying for Russia and planning attacks on U.S. military facilities. They were working with a Russian secret service agent to undermine military support for Ukraine. One suspect is a former fighter for pro-Kremlin forces in Ukraine.

Far Right's Ties to Russia Sow Rising Alarm in Germany

Lawmakers in Germany's Parliament are concerned about the far-right party AfD's ties to Russia, leading to suspicions of espionage and influence operations. Mainstream politicians worry about the party's growing influence and connections to Moscow, especially ahead of upcoming elections.

Evolution of Spying in the Digital Age

The business of spying has evolved in the digital age, with more players using advanced tools to target various sectors for espionage. China's intelligence service is highlighted for its ambitious efforts to supplant the US as a global power by stealing trade secrets and technology. Other countries like Russia and Cuba are also active in espionage activities.

President Joe Biden considering ending prosecution of Julian Assange

President Joe Biden is considering a request from Australia to end the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who faces charges of espionage and computer misuse over WikiLeaks' publication of classified U.S. files.

National Security Threats from China

FBI Director Christopher Wray warns that China poses a significant national security threat to the US, with hackers ready to wreak havoc. China is engaging in traditional espionage, economic espionage, foreign malign influence, election interference, and transnational repression.

China's Threat to U.S. Security

FBI Director Christopher Wray issues warnings about China's cyber and physical threats towards the U.S., emphasizing the CCP's efforts in undermining security and economy. Wray highlights China's extensive cyber hacking program and espionage activities.

Russian Spies at NATO Headquarters

Russian spies have been caught working at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, prompting countermeasures to combat Russian intelligence activities in Europe. Sleeper agents are also suspected to be present in the UK, with five Bulgarian nationals awaiting trial for espionage. Past incidents include Russian spies operating in the US, such as Maria Butina and Anna Chapman.

Turkish Authorities Arrest Suspects for Selling Information to Israel's Spy Agency

Turkish authorities arrest suspects for allegedly selling information to Israel's spy agency, leading to tension between the two countries.

Former Austrian intelligence officer arrested on spying allegations for Russia

Former Austrian intelligence officer arrested on allegations of spying for Russia prompts Austria to boost security measures to prevent Russian infiltration. Chancellor Nehammer calls for National Security Council meeting to address the situation.

Chinese Nationals Infiltrating U.S. Military Sites in Guam

Rising concerns about Chinese nationals infiltrating sensitive military sites in Guam, potentially influenced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green warns of Chinese nationals illegally entering Guam and spying on U.S. military installations. There are calls to address loopholes allowing Chinese nationals to gain access to the U.S. through the Northern Mariana Islands.

Chinese Communist Party Infiltrating Guam Military Site

Rising concerns about Chinese Communist Party infiltrating sensitive military site in Guam through unlawful entries by Chinese nationals from the Northern Mariana Islands. CCP exploiting vulnerabilities, Biden administration criticized for allowing this, visa loophole allows spying on U.S. military installations in Guam.

Detention of Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia for one year on espionage charges, with the U.S. government working to secure his release. President Biden and The Wall Street Journal reject the accusations, emphasizing journalism is not a crime.

Detention of American Journalist Evan Gershkovich in Russia

American journalist Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia for a year on espionage charges, sparking concerns of 'hostage diplomacy' and strained US-Russian relations. The Wall Street Journal vehemently rejects the charges, and Gershkovich's case echoes past incidents of wrongful detentions. Efforts to secure his release continue amidst a murky justice system and political negotiations.

Chinese Government Cyberattack on New Zealand Parliament

Chinese hackers linked to the government targeted New Zealand's Parliament in 2021, sparking concerns about cyber interference in democratic processes.

Julian Assange's Extradition Case

Julian Assange's extradition to the U.S. has been delayed by London's High Court, pending assurances of a fair trial. Assange faces espionage charges for leaking classified U.S. government documents through WikiLeaks. His case has sparked debates on press freedom and government transparency.

American Reporter Evan Gershkovich Detained in Russia on Espionage Charges

American Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia on espionage charges, with his detention being extended until June 30. The U.S. government and his employer deny the allegations, calling them untrue and categorically false.

Julian Assange's Extradition Case

Julian Assange has been given permission to challenge his extradition to the United States on espionage charges. The High Court in London ruled that Assange could pursue his appeal at a full hearing if satisfactory assurances are not provided by the U.S. A further hearing will be held on May 20 to decide on the assurances. Assange has been fighting extradition for over a decade and faces multiple charges related to WikiLeaks' publication of classified documents.

Accusations of Chinese Cyber Activity by New Zealand, U.S., and U.K.

New Zealand accuses China of malicious cyber activity linked to Chinese state actors, echoing similar claims made by the U.S. and U.K. Australian officials also condemn China's alleged cyber attacks. China denies these accusations and emphasizes the importance of evidence-based claims and cybersecurity cooperation.

South Korean Missionary Detained in Russia on Espionage Allegations

A South Korean missionary in Russia is detained on espionage allegations, sparking tensions between South Korea and Russia. The missionary was providing aid to underprivileged people in Vladivostok. Russia has detained several foreigners in recent years for various offenses.

Former U.S. Ambassador Charged with Spying for Cuba

Former U.S. ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha charged with working against the U.S. government for communist Cuba in 'clandestine intelligence-gathering missions.' Rocha served as a Cuban agent for over 40 years, obtaining classified information and affecting U.S. foreign policy. He pleaded guilty to multiple charges in federal court.

Bulgarian Authorities Ban Russian Citizens Suspected of Espionage

Bulgarian authorities impose entry ban on two Russian citizens suspected of espionage for Moscow's foreign intelligence service. The Russians lived in Bulgaria under false identities and their mission was to obtain authentic Bulgarian identity documents for intelligence activities outside the country.

Qatar training Hamas operatives

Qatar reportedly trained Hamas operatives at its police college in 2023, sparking controversy and calls for Qatar to be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. The training took place despite Hamas being designated a terrorist organization by the US and EU. Qatar is also accused of espionage targeting US lawmakers.