Far Right's Ties to Russia Sow Rising Alarm in Germany

SOURCE dnyuz.com
Lawmakers in Germany's Parliament are concerned about the far-right party AfD's ties to Russia, leading to suspicions of espionage and influence operations. Mainstream politicians worry about the party's growing influence and connections to Moscow, especially ahead of upcoming elections.

Key Points

  • Lawmakers in Germany's Parliament must lock their phones and are not allowed to take notes during classified meetings.
  • Accusations against the AfD include links to pro-Kremlin strategists, Russian intelligence operatives, and observing Russia's elections.
  • Concerns are growing about Moscow's influence over far-right parties in Europe, particularly ahead of European Parliament elections.
  • Mainstream German politicians have cut ties with Russian interests following the war in Ukraine.
  • Belgian authorities are investigating reported payments to European lawmakers suspected of spreading Kremlin propaganda.


  • Highlighting concerns about potential espionage and influence operations by a far-right party in Germany.
  • Raising awareness about the implications of political ties to foreign governments, especially amid rising tensions with Russia.


  • Risk of political polarization and division within Germany's Parliament.
  • Potential for misinformation or propaganda to influence public opinion.