President Macron's snap parliamentary election in France

President Macron has called a snap parliamentary election in France after a humiliating defeat by the far right. The move is seen as a risky gamble to see if the country will vote differently from the recent European Parliament elections.

European Union Elections 2024

The European elections shook the foundations of the EU, with the far right making gains in France and Germany. Macron and Scholz faced challenges from nationalist parties. The Greens and pro-business liberals suffered heavy defeats. Decision-making in the European Parliament will be slower due to the election results.

Far Right Surge in Europe and Macron's Snap Election

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a snap election to halt the surge of the far right in Europe, risking his own power and legacy in the process. The far right made significant gains in the recent European Parliament elections, leading to concerns about the future political landscape in France and beyond.

Rise of Far Right in European Politics

French President Emmanuel Macron raises concerns about the rise of the far right in European politics during a state visit to Germany, emphasizing the need to defend democracy and European values against authoritarian regimes and nationalist forces.

Criticism of Politico article on far right's focus on increasing birth rates

Politico article criticizes far right for focusing on increasing birth rates and reversing social changes, sparking backlash from conservatives and leading to a debate on natalism and abortion.

Abortion and Religion in Politics

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough criticizes the far right for turning abortion into a religious issue, claiming they invented a religion to push their agenda.