Myanmar Protests for Aung San Suu Kyi's Birthday

Supporters of Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi carry out flower-themed protests on her 79th birthday, defying the military government's repression. Suu Kyi remains imprisoned after the military seized power in 2021.

Swiss Summit on Ukraine Peace Plan

Switzerland hosts world leaders to discuss peace in Ukraine without Russia, aiming for symbolic effort to rally international community against ongoing war. Key players include President Biden, Vice President Harris, and various world leaders. Russia and China not attending. Summit focuses on nuclear safety, humanitarian aid, and food security.

Princess Kate's public appearance and Sudan's civil war impact on humanitarian aid

Princess Kate will make her first public appearance since announcing she was undergoing cancer treatment. Volunteers with Doctor Without Borders discuss how Sudan's civil war is causing hunger and hindering aid efforts.

Humanitarian Aid Pause in Gaza

The U.N. World Food Program has paused its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza due to safety concerns after a deadly day of war. The U.S. Agency for International Development described the pause as a step for a security review. President Joe Biden directed the U.S. military to set up the temporary pier to bring aid into Gaza.

Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza

The first aid from an American-built pier arrived in Gaza after storm damage required repairs to the project, allowing for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians, despite challenges and setbacks. The U.S. military constructed the pier to facilitate the delivery of urgently needed supplies to Gaza.

Humanitarian Aid Crisis in Gaza

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the crisis in providing humanitarian aid to Gaza at a NATO news conference in Prague, citing distribution issues rather than supply shortages.

U.S.-built temporary pier for humanitarian aid in Gaza damaged and removed for repairs

The U.S.-built temporary pier providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza will be removed for repairs after being damaged by rough seas and weather. The pier has already had multiple setbacks and injuries to U.S. service members.

Massive landslide in Papua New Guinea

The International Organization for Migration revised the death toll from a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea to over 670, with more than 150 homes buried. Emergency responders are facing challenges due to unstable earth and tribal warfare. Survivors are being moved to safer ground, and international support may be requested.

Challenges of Gaza Humanitarian Aid Piers in the Mediterranean Sea

Rep. Michael Waltz discusses the challenges and high costs associated with building and deploying Gaza humanitarian aid piers in the Mediterranean Sea, questioning the effectiveness of the operation.

Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons acknowledged that the best way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza is through a hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas, and President Biden has been working to convince Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to deconflict and partner with the international community for aid delivery.

Challenges in Distributing Humanitarian Aid in Israel

Rep. Greg Landsman acknowledges challenges in distributing aid to Gazans in Israel due to Hamas interference, stresses importance of working with Israel to ensure aid reaches people, highlights issue of Hamas holding hostages and refusing to agree to ceasefire.

Impact of President Biden's Decision on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Rep. Jared Moskowitz criticizes President Biden's decision to withhold certain weapons from Israel, believing it takes pressure off Hamas and hinders efforts to achieve a ceasefire and provide aid to Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

The U.S. military installed a floating pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave, as aid groups warn of a crisis due to food shortages after the closure of the Rafah border crossing. Over 630,000 people have fled Rafah as Israeli military operations intensify in the city.

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid have begun moving into Gaza using a temporary pier built by the U.S. as Israeli forces continue operations. The U.S. is part of a multinational effort to deliver aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

U.S. Aid Delivery to Gaza Strip

The U.S. has started moving a floating dock system to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, with operations expected to begin within 48 hours after installation. The system will involve various components including civilian aid ships, a dock, trucks, smaller U.S. Army boats, and a causeway for aid delivery.

EU Urges Israel to End Military Operation in Gaza's Rafah

The European Union urges Israel to end its military operation in Gaza's Rafah immediately to prevent further humanitarian crises and strain on EU-Israel relations.

Humanitarian Aid Delivery in Gaza

The U.S. military has completed the construction of a large floating pier in Gaza to facilitate humanitarian aid delivery as Israel continues to battle Hamas. The Biden administration's $320 million effort aims to create a sea route for aid into Gaza.

Israel-Gaza Conflict

Sen. Bernie Sanders criticizes Israel for its actions in Gaza, calling for an immediate ceasefire and massive humanitarian aid. The U.S. State Department also criticizes Israel's use of U.S.-supplied arms in the conflict.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

A U.S. State Department report suggests Israel might have violated international humanitarian law in Gaza, but stops short of definitive conclusions. The report also questions Israel's handling of humanitarian aid in the region. The Biden administration has withheld a weapons shipment to Israel and raised concerns about civilian casualties in the conflict.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in Rafah, Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) urged residents of Rafah, Gaza to evacuate to safe zones as an attack on Hamas strongholds seemed imminent. The IDF has been dropping flyers and expanding the humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi. Talks for a potential hostage deal with Hamas are deadlocked.

Hamas Rocket Attack on IDF Soldiers near Kerem Shalom Border

Three Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed in a Hamas rocket attack near the Kerem Shalom border, a key entry point for humanitarian aid into Gaza. The attack resulted in 10 injuries, including 3 in serious condition.

Israel closes Gaza crossing for aid after rocket fire

Israel closed a major crossing into Gaza for humanitarian aid after Hamas fired rockets towards the border, causing a setback for relief efforts as famine spreads in Gaza.

Famine in Northern Gaza

Cindy McCain, executive director of the World Food Programme, reports a “full-blown famine” in northern Gaza.

Pro-Palestinian protests in New York City

Pro-Palestinian protests in New York City lead to Columbia University student demanding food and water for protesters occupying campus building. Controversy arises over the demands and motivations behind the protest.

Current Events

The student-led occupation of a Columbia University building has ended. Secretary of State Blinken is in Israel focusing on humanitarian aid to Gaza. Florida's new abortion law is now in effect.

United Nations urges South Sudan to remove new taxes impacting aid

The United Nations urges South Sudan to remove newly imposed taxes and charges that led to the suspension of U.N. food airdrops for thousands of people who depend on outside aid.

US-Israel Relations and Protests on College Campuses

President Joe Biden held a phone call with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussing Israel's security, humanitarian aid in Gaza, and potential Israeli strategy in Rafah. Pro-Palestinian protests are sweeping across college campuses, calling for an end to the war and divestment from companies doing business in Israel.

Humanitarian Aid Flotilla to Gaza Halted

A humanitarian aid flotilla destined for Gaza was halted after Guinea Bissau removed its flag from two vessels, leading to a political dispute. The flotilla, organized by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, aimed to deliver aid to Gaza but was stopped due to the flag issue.

Conflict between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza

Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority, has admitted on live television that Hamas steals humanitarian aid and kills aid workers in the Gaza Strip. This confirms what Israel has been saying and sheds light on the actions of Hamas.

Jordan's Response to Iranian Projectile Attack

Jordan shoots down Iranian projectile in unprecedented attack, caught between regional rivals Israel and Iran, sparking tensions and concerns over potential conflict escalation.

Middle East Conflict

Mourners bury victims of Israeli strike in Gaza. Iran warns of harsh response to any invasion by Israel. UN Security Council to vote on Palestinian state membership. Hezbollah attacks Israel, injuring soldiers. Italy willing to contribute troops for UN peacekeeping in Gaza. Germany expresses solidarity with Israel and vows consequences for Iran. Arrow 3 missile defense system successfully intercepts Iranian attack. Human Rights Watch reports Israeli forces involved in settler attacks against Palestinians. UN appeals for $2.8 billion to aid 3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

Humanitarian situation in Gaza

Bob Kitchen, Vice President for Emergencies at the International Rescue Committee, discusses his observations on the humanitarian situation in Gaza on Meet the Press NOW.

Escalation of Gang Violence in Haiti's Capital

Gang violence in Haiti's capital has led to hospital closures, shortages of medical supplies, and fear among medical workers. Armed groups have targeted hospitals and medical personnel, impacting critical medical care for residents. International humanitarian agencies are struggling to deliver aid due to looting and security concerns.

Humanitarian Aid for Sudan

World donors pledge over $2.1 billion in humanitarian aid for Sudan after yearlong war, pushing population to brink of famine. Conflict between military and paramilitary forces has led to thousands of deaths, widespread displacement, and infrastructure destruction.

Iran's Use of Humanitarian Aid for Funding 'Violent' Activities

Fox News reports on concerns about Iran's use of humanitarian aid for funding 'violent' activities, prompting Sen. Tim Scott to demand answers from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

Crisis in Sudan

The crisis in Sudan could worsen in the coming months due to restricted distribution of humanitarian aid and medical supplies as war erupted on April 15, 2023, between the Sudanese army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, leading to devastation, warnings of famine, and displacement of millions of people.

Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

Sen. Tim Kaine discusses the challenges of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza and calls for an increase in Israel allowing aid to suffering people.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer's comments on Hamas attacks on Israel

Rep. Josh Gottheimer highlights the ongoing attacks by Hamas on Israel and emphasizes the need to focus on securing the release of hostages and providing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

U.S.-Israel Relations and Gaza Conflict

President Biden issues ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu regarding Gaza conflict, stating that U.S. support may be withdrawn if Israel does not change course.

Two Brothers Start Soup Kitchen in Gaza to Combat Starvation

Two brothers in Gaza, Hani and Mahmoud Almadhoun, have started a soup kitchen to combat starvation in the region amidst a lack of humanitarian aid. The kitchen now serves around 3,000 people daily and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars online to purchase food locally.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Children in Gaza have been killed or injured by Israeli forces, leading to calls for increased aid and protection for humanitarian workers. Iran vows to retaliate against Israel for an attack on its consulate in Syria. U.S. and Germany oppose a UN resolution to stop selling weapons to Israel amid the conflict.

Southern Africa Drought Crisis

Zimbabwe declared a state of disaster due to a severe drought caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon, seeking $2 billion in humanitarian aid to help millions facing food shortages. Other countries in southern Africa are also affected, with millions in need of assistance.

Meeting between Muslim American Community Leaders and President Joe Biden on Gaza Conflict

Palestinian American doctor expresses deep emotional distress during meeting with President Joe Biden regarding the situation in Gaza, leaving early to convey the pain of his community. Other Muslim American community leaders also express concerns over Biden's support of Israel in the conflict with Hamas. Biden pledges to not call for a permanent cease-fire until all hostages are released, while promising to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza. Muslim American leaders attend meeting with Biden and Harris, discussing the need for urgent action to end the conflict and deliver aid to Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has deep historical roots, with recent events leading to tension and protests. President Biden's meeting with Muslim leaders highlighted concerns about U.S. actions in the region.

Pope Francis leads prayer for victims of war in Gaza and Ukraine

Pope Francis led a moment of silence to pray for aid workers killed in Gaza and a Ukrainian soldier named Oleksandre, appealing for a cease-fire and humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Israeli Airstrike on World Central Kitchen Convoy in Gaza Strip

Israeli airstrike on World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza Strip killed seven team members, prompting questions about Israeli military practices in war. The convoy was hit while traveling along a coastal highway in Gaza, causing significant damage to the vehicles. World Central Kitchen, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, was delivering humanitarian aid in Gaza. The U.S. has called for a swift investigation into the airstrike.

Rep. Tim Walberg's Controversial Comments on Gaza Conflict

Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan made controversial comments comparing the conflict in Gaza to Nagasaki and Hiroshima, suggesting the need for swift resolution without humanitarian aid. His remarks were criticized by fellow politicians and deemed unacceptable.

Humanitarian Aid to Gaza and Political Developments in Palestine

Three-ship convoy leaves Cyprus with 400 tons of food and supplies for Gaza as famine concerns rise. United States welcomes new Palestinian autonomy government. Reconstruction challenges in Gaza after six months of war. Israel continues airstrikes in Gaza despite UN call for cease-fire.

International Court of Justice Orders Israel to Improve Humanitarian Situation in Gaza

The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza by opening more land crossings for supplies. South Africa accused Israel of genocide in response to attacks by Hamas, leading to a military campaign by Israel. The court ordered Israel to ensure the provision of basic services and humanitarian aid without delay.

Israel-Gaza Conflict Coverage

Coverage of the conflict between Israel and Gaza, including perspectives from a U.N. spokesperson and an Israeli government minister.

Biden Administration's Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza

The Biden administration plans to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza via a floating dock without U.S. personnel on the ground, raising security concerns. Options include having drivers and guards from other nations or private security guards distribute the aid. The IDF is expected to secure the deliveries once the dock is in place.

Discussion on Post-Conflict Plans for Gaza

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with top Arab diplomats in Cairo to discuss post-conflict plans for Gaza amidst strained relations between the U.S. and Israel over Israel's war against Hamas.

U.S. Humanitarian Aid for Sudan

The U.S. announced over $47 million in humanitarian aid for war-torn Sudan and neighboring countries, aiming to help alleviate the suffering of millions of people who have fled the conflict. The total U.S. humanitarian aid for Sudan since last year now exceeds $968 million.

Israeli airstrike in Gaza City

Palestinians come to the aid of a woman left holding her husband's body after an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City near al-Shifa hospital.

Israeli Military Plan to Invade Rafah in Gaza and First Food Aid Arrival

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approves a plan to invade the heavily populated city of Rafah in southern Gaza, causing concerns about a humanitarian catastrophe. First food aid arrives by sea, but more aid is needed to address the growing malnutrition crisis among children in Gaza.

International Private Security Contractors for Humanitarian Aid Delivery in Gaza

Israel is considering using international private security contractors to protect humanitarian aid deliveries in Gaza. The U.S. is planning to set up a maritime corridor for aid delivery to Gaza, with a temporary military pier system. The Biden administration expects the Israeli government to provide security for the U.S. military pier, but the plan for security on the shore is still in progress.

Humanitarian Aid Mission to Gaza

A barge loaded with food is on its way to Gaza from Cyprus to help avert famine after Israeli attacks and restrictions on aid. Aid organizations are finding alternative ways to deliver aid due to Israeli restrictions, relying on Israeli cooperation to offload aid. The war has left Gaza's infrastructure devastated, and humanitarian aid efforts face challenges in distributing aid to the population in need.

Potential IDF Invasion of Rafah and Humanitarian Aid Efforts in Gaza

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant hinted at a potential IDF invasion of Rafah during a visit to Gaza City, emphasizing the military's reach and determination to bring justice to terrorists. He also highlighted efforts to send humanitarian aid to weaken Hamas and strengthen Israel's control over Gaza.

U.S. Marines Deployment to Haiti Amidst Chaos

U.S. Marines deployed to Haiti amidst escalating violence and chaos following the resignation of the prime minister due to gang violence. European Union sending humanitarian aid. Republican congressman criticizes Biden administration for abandoning U.S. citizens in crisis zones.

Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

Violence and street gangs in Haiti have displaced hundreds of thousands of people, escalating a severe humanitarian crisis with millions suffering from hunger. World Food Programme director in Haiti discusses the challenges and urgent needs in the country.

President Joe Biden's Statement on Ramadan and Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

President Joe Biden issued a statement recognizing the beginning of Ramadan, expressing sympathy for Muslim Americans and pledging to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. The U.S. Army has dispatched a ship to provide aid to Gaza.

U.S. Army sending humanitarian aid to Gaza

The U.S. Army has dispatched a ship, the General Frank S. Besson, to send humanitarian aid to Gaza by building a temporary pier in the Eastern Mediterranean. The logistics support vessel is the largest powered watercraft in the United States Army.

President Biden's stance on Israel-Hamas war and Middle East policy

President Biden addresses Israel-Hamas war, Putin's aggression, and border security in candid interview with MSNBC, reaffirming support for Israel while urging for attention to innocent lives lost. Discusses potential ceasefire, exchange of hostages, and humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians and other groups in the Middle East

Sweden resumes funding to UN agency aiding Palestinians after other countries halted support in response to Israeli allegations. Humanitarian aid is being airdropped and delivered by sea to Gaza due to the desperate situation after five months of war. US and Jordanian military planes airdropped food supplies, but residents are calling for better methods of aid delivery. President Biden criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his approach to the war against Hamas, expressing concern for innocent lives lost. Efforts for a cease-fire before Ramadan have stalled, with Hamas and Israel still at odds.

Aid Drop Malfunction in Gaza City

Video footage shows parachutes failing during an aid drop in Gaza City, leading to deaths and injuries. Initial reports suggested the aid came from a U.S. cargo plane, but the Pentagon denied this claim. Multiple countries, including the U.S., Jordan, Egypt, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium, have participated in aid drops in the region.

Tragic Airdrop Incident in Gaza

A tragic incident in Gaza resulted in the deaths of five people and injuries to 10 others when airdropped aid packages fell on them. The aid drops were part of humanitarian efforts in Gaza, but some criticize the effectiveness of airdrops in delivering aid.

U.S. Military Building Temporary Port in Gaza for Humanitarian Aid

President Biden ordered the U.S. military to build a temporary port in Gaza to provide humanitarian assistance. The port is expected to take up to two months to construct and will involve over 1,000 U.S. servicemembers. The offshore pier will allow for expedited delivery of aid to Gaza, with no boots on the ground.

Humanitarian Aid Airdrop Tragedy in Gaza

A pallet of humanitarian aid airdropped into Gaza killed five people and injured ten more due to a parachute failure. Multiple countries, including the U.S., conducted airdrops in Gaza, leading to political fallout for President Joe Biden. The conflict arose from a terrorist attack by Hamas, resulting in civilian casualties and Israeli military response.

Potential Ban of TikTok in the U.S. and Humanitarian Aid for Gaza

House committee advances bill that could ban TikTok in the U.S. Richard Engel to discuss new humanitarian aid measures for Gaza in President Biden's State of the Union address.

U.S. Military Building Port in Gaza for Humanitarian Aid

President Joe Biden will announce in his State of the Union address that the U.S. military will build a port on the Mediterranean coast of Gaza to aid in the import of humanitarian aid via large ships. The port will initially be led by the military but is expected to transition to a commercially operated facility over time.

President Biden Announces U.S. Military Will Build Port in Gaza

President Biden to announce the U.S. military will build a port in Gaza during his State of the Union address. The port will receive food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters. The U.S. will work with partners and allies to establish the port.

U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

State Department Deputy Spokesperson discusses U.S. efforts to ensure humanitarian aid reaches Gaza, emphasizing the importance of coordination with partners in the region.

President Joe Biden's Approach to Israeli Offensive in Gaza

President Joe Biden is increasing pressure on Israel to allow more humanitarian aid into Gaza and rein in its offensive, opting for airdrops of aid and public criticism instead of cutting off weapons deliveries. The administration is emphasizing humanitarian relief as the best option to secure a cease-fire deal. Some Democrats argue for more pressure on Israel to scale back the offensive.

Vice President Harris meeting with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz

Vice President Harris meets with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz to discuss the situation in Gaza, including the need for humanitarian aid and a potential hostage deal. Harris emphasizes the need for Israel to defend itself while expressing concern over the civilian casualties in Gaza.

Israeli Strike in Gaza

Israeli strike in Gaza results in 30,000 reported deaths, prompting humanitarian aid drops and cease-fire efforts. President Biden optimistic about a deal. Photojournalists document scenes on the ground.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza

Vice President Kamala Harris is meeting with Israeli officials to push for a cease-fire in Gaza, following the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Negotiations are ongoing in Egypt to secure a deal that includes a temporary cease-fire, exchange of hostages, and more humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Vice President Harris's call for pause in fighting in Gaza

Vice President Harris calls for a pause in fighting to release hostages held by Hamas and provide more humanitarian aid to Gaza as cease-fire talks begin in Cairo.

US Military Airdrop of Humanitarian Aid over Gaza

US military C-130 cargo planes conducted an airdrop of humanitarian aid over Gaza after over 100 Palestinians were killed during an encounter with Israeli troops while trying to access aid from a convoy. President Joe Biden authorized the emergency assistance.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has a long history, with current developments focusing on a cease-fire deal, humanitarian aid, and hostage release. Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz to address civilian casualties and safety concerns in Rafah. Former Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz's visit to the U.S. may strain his relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Biden initially supported Israel's right to defend itself but has criticized Netanyahu's military response as disproportionate. The U.S. has begun air-dropping aid to Gaza, facing challenges due to ongoing fighting and poor coordination with Israel. Recent clashes resulted in a significant number of casualties and injuries.

Emergency Humanitarian Aid for Gaza

President Joe Biden authorizes emergency humanitarian aid for Gaza after over 100 Palestinians are killed during aid convoy encounter with Israeli troops. U.S. military conducts food airdrops to address dire situation in Gaza.

Humanitarian Aid Airdrops in Gaza Strip

The U.S. military conducted a humanitarian aid airdrop over the Gaza Strip, a war-torn enclave in desperate need of assistance, due to limited access for aid deliveries. A quarter of Gaza's population is on the brink of famine. Airdrops have challenges such as high costs, smaller aid quantities, and the need for ground coordination.

President Biden's Criticism of Israel Regarding Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

President Biden criticized Israel for not allowing more humanitarian aid into Gaza during the war. He announced airdrops of aid and called for an immediate ceasefire. Israel claims the UN is failing to distribute aid properly and that Hamas steals a significant portion of it. A deadly stampede occurred as Palestinians rushed for aid trucks, leading to tensions between Israel and the UN.

Conflict in Gaza over humanitarian aid

Dozens killed and hundreds hurt in Gaza over humanitarian aid confrontation; Israeli military blamed

Ceasefire Deal in Gaza

President Biden is optimistic about reaching a ceasefire deal in Gaza, focusing on a pause in fighting to release hostages and reduce civilian casualties. Discussions with Israel aim to increase humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza

Mediators are working on a potential deal for a pause in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza, involving the release of hostages and detainees in exchange for humanitarian aid. The plan includes phases leading to a permanent cease-fire and the formation of an interim Palestinian government.