Gang Violence Displaces Children in Haiti

Gang violence in Haiti has displaced over 300,000 children since March, with children making up more than half of the nearly 580,000 people who have become homeless in the last four months. The spike in violence began after coordinated attacks on key government infrastructure led to the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in April.

Haitian Migrants Intercepted off Key West, Florida

Border Patrol intercepted over 100 Haitian migrants off Key West, Florida, amid a humanitarian crisis in Haiti with violent gangs and political unrest. Migrants were given medical exams and processed by Border Patrol.

Migrants at an Informal Camp in Jacumba Hot Springs, California

Migrants at an informal camp near Jacumba Hot Springs, California are facing harsh conditions and uncertain futures as new asylum restrictions are put in place by the Biden administration, leading to a humanitarian crisis in the area.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza amid Israel-Gaza Conflict

Israel's military announced a daytime pause in fighting in southern Gaza to allow for humanitarian aid deliveries, amid a humanitarian crisis. The pause is aimed at easing the backlog of aid trucks and increasing aid flow to various parts of Gaza. The pause comes as Muslims mark the Eid Al-Adha holiday and amid ongoing discussions for a cease-fire proposal.

Struggle for Daily Meals in War-Torn Gaza

Many Gazans in war-torn Gaza struggle to secure a daily meal due to lack of aid despite international donations.

Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

The ongoing conflict in Sudan has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis, with up to 10 million people displaced, 150,000 killed, and 5 million facing famine. Despite the severity of the situation, it is considered a forgotten war with little media coverage and international attention.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Gaza

Israeli forces continue offensive in southern Gaza city of Rafah despite order from U.N. court to halt operation against Hamas. Airstrikes have led to civilian casualties, including a deadly attack on a camp for displaced Palestinians. The conflict has caused a spiraling crisis in Gaza with hospitals struggling to cope with casualties and aid routes being cut off.

Deadly landslide in Papua New Guinea

U.N. humanitarian advisor Máté Bagossy discusses the deadly landslide in Papua New Guinea and the urgent need for aid in the region.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Hisham Mhanna from the International Committee of the Red Cross reports on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the aid reaching Palestinian civilians.

U.S. Military Aid Delivery in Gaza

The U.S. military has completed a pier in Gaza to deliver aid, but there are concerns about the effectiveness of the aid delivery process. Humanitarian groups fear it will not be enough to prevent famine in Gaza.

Israeli-Egyptian Relations and Rafah Border Crossing

Egypt rejects Israeli proposal to reopen Rafah border crossing, citing security concerns and desire for Palestinian control. Tensions rise as both sides blame each other for humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Celebrity 'Blockout' in Response to Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

Some social media users are calling out celebrities for inaction in the face of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and have started a 'blockout' to pressure them to take a stand. The blockout involves blocking celebrities on social media platforms to affect their views, engagement, and paychecks.

Palestinian Expulsion and Displacement in Gaza

Palestinians mark anniversary of expulsion from Israel amidst new mass displacement in Gaza due to Israeli military operation, leading to a humanitarian catastrophe similar to the Nakba of 1948. Over 35,000 people killed in Gaza since Israel's deadly offensive began.

Advocacy for Safe Return of American Doctors in Gaza

Sen. Tammy Duckworth is advocating for the safe return of Dr. Adam Hamawy and other American doctors trapped in Gaza, who are providing critical medical care amidst a humanitarian crisis.

Bernie Sanders' stance on U.S. military aid to Israel

Senator Bernie Sanders called for the U.S. to stop providing military aid to Israel, citing the country's alleged violations of international law and humanitarian crises in Gaza.

Conflict in Gaza

Intense fighting in Gaza as death toll rises, with fears of Israeli invasion and mass displacement of Palestinians. U.N. warns of humanitarian crisis as civilians are forced to flee.

Flash floods in Afghanistan

Flash floods in Afghanistan caused by heavy seasonal rains have killed over 300 people, destroyed 1,000 houses. The Taliban government and international aid agencies are responding to the crisis.

Israeli Prime Minister's Defiance Amid Threats from U.S. Over Rafah Invasion

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to stand alone in pursuit of eliminating Hamas, amid threats of arms shipment suspension from the U.S. Talks for a cease-fire in Rafah have stalled, leading to mounting concerns over the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Israel's Closure of Gaza Border Crossing

Israel's closure of the main border crossing with Gaza has trapped American medical teams in Rafah while aid officials report an ever-worsening crisis. Doctors have to decide who lives and who dies.

Israeli Seizure of Rafah Border Crossing in Gaza

Thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, have been pushed south to Rafah due to Israel's war in Gaza. Israeli forces seized control of the Rafah border crossing, leading to devastating consequences for civilians. The area is under evacuation orders, with no aid passing through and the main medical center shut down.

Israeli Tanks Roll Into Gaza City of Rafah

Israeli tanks rolled into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, taking control of the territory's border crossing with Egypt. The situation in Rafah is dire, with airstrikes causing significant casualties and displacement of civilians. Despite a brief moment of hope with a proposed cease-fire, the humanitarian crisis in the region persists.

Israeli Defense Forces seize control of Rafah border crossing in Gaza

Israeli Defense Forces captured the Rafah border crossing in Gaza, despite ongoing cease-fire negotiations with Hamas. The capture has significant implications for aid access to Palestinians in Gaza.

Cease-fire negotiations between Hamas and Israel in Gaza

High-level Hamas delegation in Cairo for talks on cease-fire and hostage release deal as Israel threatens ground offensive in Gaza's Rafah. Negotiations ongoing with signs of compromise but no deal yet. Humanitarian crisis looms if military assault on Rafah occurs. US opposes invasion, warns of consequences for Israel. War sparked by Hamas attacks, resulted in deaths, hostages, and humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

Humanitarian Crisis in Northern Gaza

Northern Gaza is facing a full-blown famine due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, with severe Israeli restrictions on food deliveries. Efforts are being made to increase aid through sea routes and border crossings to address the humanitarian crisis.

Military Court Sentences Soldiers to Death in Congo

Military court in eastern Congo sentences eight soldiers to death for cowardice and other crimes linked to fleeing the battlefield. Government struggles to contain violence in the mineral-rich area with many armed groups. Decades-long conflict has led to one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

Bombing at Refugee Camp in Eastern Congo

A bomb at a refugee camp in eastern Congo killed at least 5 people, including children, with the attack blamed on a rebel group. The region is known for its cobalt mining and ongoing humanitarian crises.

98-year-old Ukrainian woman walks to safety amid Russian invasion

98-year-old woman in Ukraine walks 6 miles to safety as Russian forces advance, separated from family members, rescued by Ukrainian troops and reunited with granddaughter in evacuation shelter. War in its third year, heavy toll on civilian population.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Faces Pressure Over Gaza Conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces pressure from all sides over the ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, with calls for a cease-fire to bring home remaining hostages and end the devastating conflict. Diplomatic efforts are underway to secure a truce, but challenges remain as Netanyahu weighs the fate of hostages against his mission to destroy Hamas.

EU Tightens Visa Requirements for Ethiopians Amid Civil War

EU tightens visa requirements for Ethiopian nationals due to lack of cooperation in deportation procedures, as Ethiopia is mired in conflict and humanitarian crisis.

World Central Kitchen Resumes Operations in Gaza

World Central Kitchen resumes operations in Gaza after pausing due to the deaths of 7 aid workers in an Israeli air strike. The charity plans to continue providing meals to the people in Gaza despite safety concerns.

Ethiopia's Humanitarian Crisis

A United Nations-backed gathering raised pledges of almost $630 million for Ethiopia's humanitarian crisis, falling short of the $1 billion sought. Donors called on the Ethiopian government to ensure aid delivery without interference and reach those in need. Ethiopia faces conflicts in various regions, impacting millions of people.

Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

A year of war in Sudan following a coup has led to devastating consequences, including the world's largest displacement crisis, fear of genocide in Darfur, and catastrophic living conditions for millions of Sudanese people.

Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

A yearlong war in Sudan has devastated the country, pushing its people to the brink of famine. Top diplomats and aid groups are meeting in Paris to drum up humanitarian support for Sudan. The conflict has led to widespread atrocities, displacement, and hunger, with millions in need of urgent aid.

Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

The brutal conflict in Sudan has caused over 8 million people to flee their homes and led to more than 14,000 deaths. The country is facing a severe humanitarian crisis with 25 million people in need of assistance and 18 million facing acute hunger. The conflict involves various factions vying for control of the resource-rich nation, with foreign powers also involved in supporting different groups. The presence of Russian mercenaries and Ukrainian fighters adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

Escalation of Violence in the West Bank

A missing Israeli boy's body was found in the West Bank after a terrorist attack, sparking violence between Israeli settlers and Palestinians. The escalation of violence in the territory coincided with Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza. The incident resulted in the death of a Palestinian man and injuries to several others. The situation has raised concerns about settler violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Israeli Raid on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City

Israeli military carried out a devastating raid at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, leading to the recovery of over 400 bodies. The hospital was accused of being a Hamas hub, while humanitarian groups accused Israel of breaching international law.

Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

NPR's Ari Shapiro discusses the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Haiti with Jean-Martin Bauer of the World Food Programme.

Israeli Troops Withdrawal from Khan Younis in Gaza

Israel announces troops withdrawal from Khan Younis in southern Gaza after a six-month war sparked by attacks on Oct. 7. More than 33,000 Palestinians killed, infrastructure destroyed, ongoing humanitarian crisis. Talks for potential ceasefire ongoing in Cairo.

Conflict between Israel and Gaza

Armed terrorists from Gaza Strip entered Israel, causing a devastating massacre resulting in 1,200 deaths and 250 hostages taken by Hamas. This led to ongoing war, with Israel aiming to free hostages and destroy Hamas. The situation has caused international condemnation, protests against Israeli Prime Minister, and fears of conflict with Iran. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is severe, with millions displaced and facing starvation. There are concerns about escalating violence and the lack of a clear victor in the conflict.

Israel-Hamas Conflict Aftermath

Israel finds itself in a far different place six months after declaring war against Hamas, bogged down in Gaza, divided domestically, isolated internationally, and increasingly at odds with its closest ally. The risk of a broader regional war remains real.

Senator Tim Kaine's statements on Israel and Gaza conflict

Sen. Tim Kaine calls for Israel to allow more aid into Gaza to address the humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the need for de-escalation and cooperation with U.S. humanitarian efforts.

Attack on Aid Workers in Gaza

The killing of seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen highlights systemic failings in the Israel Defense Forces' approach to protecting humanitarian workers in Gaza, resulting in international pressure and outrage. Multiple incidents of attacks on aid workers have occurred, leading to curtailed aid deliveries and fatalities. Aid agencies criticize the deconfliction process as ineffective, with attacks continuing despite coordination efforts. Various aid organizations, including World Central Kitchen and Doctors Without Borders, have faced attacks and casualties, with little accountability from the Israeli military.

Critique of Media Coverage on Hamas and Ceasefire in Gaza

Rep. Adam Smith criticizes media for not pointing out that Hamas is the biggest block to a ceasefire and calls for more pressure on Hamas, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and supporting Israel's right to defend itself against threats from Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah.

Israeli Airstrike Killing Aid Workers in Gaza

An Israeli airstrike killed six international aid workers and their Palestinian driver in Gaza, leading to the suspension of food aid delivery by World Central Kitchen. The incident has sparked international criticism and calls for investigation.

Israeli Airstrike on Aid Workers in Gaza

Israeli airstrike kills aid workers in Gaza, including citizens of Australia, Britain, and Poland. Prime Minister Netanyahu calls it 'tragic' and promises an independent inquiry. World Central Kitchen charity convoy hit despite unloading humanitarian aid. International condemnation and pressure for humanitarian relief in Gaza.

Israel-Hamas conflict

Sen. Rick Scott criticizes Biden administration's stance on Israel-Hamas war, Israeli Defense Minister says Hamas is collapsing from within, Israel seizes weapons from Shifa Hospital maternity ward, Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah, concerns about civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis, virtual meeting between Biden admin and Israel expected

Haiti Crisis Due to Gang Violence

Haiti is facing a severe crisis with armed gangs causing chaos and violence, leading to a humanitarian crisis. More than 1,500 Haitians have died due to gang violence this year. Children are often caught in crossfire or kidnapped by gangs. The situation is described as an 'open-air prison' with no way out for the people.

Israeli Airstrike on Gaza Hospital

Israeli airstrike hits hospital in Gaza, killing two and wounding 15. War continues to devastate Gaza with thousands seeking shelter in hospitals. International aid urgently needed to prevent famine and humanitarian crisis.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Israel is accused of blocking lifesaving supplies from reaching Gaza, leading to a dire humanitarian crisis and warnings of an imminent famine. Aid agencies blame Israeli officials for restricting the entry of essential items, while Israel denies obstructing aid and points fingers at the U.N. for failing to distribute aid effectively.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with families struggling to find food and basic necessities due to the lack of aid and ongoing violence.

Haiti's Food Insecurity Crisis

Haiti is facing a severe food crisis due to gang violence, low agricultural production, and lack of humanitarian aid, with millions of people experiencing acute food insecurity and some regions on the brink of famine.

Imminent Famine in Gaza

The United Nations warns of an imminent famine in Gaza. NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with famine expert Alex de Waal to discuss the situation in the region.

Violence and Anarchy in Haiti's Capital

Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is engulfed in violence and anarchy as heavily armed gangs wage war on the city. Residents are fleeing the terror, leaving behind a disintegrated state and a humanitarian crisis. Foreign military assistance has been requested but delayed, leaving the population in desperate need of help.

Humanitarian Crisis in Northern Gaza

Palestinians in northern Gaza are struggling to find food and water, facing starvation.

Haiti on the Brink of Collapse Due to Gang Violence

Haiti is facing a collapse as armed gangs wreak havoc in the capital, leading to an increase in violence, deaths, and chaos. Citizens have formed vigilante groups to fight back against the gangs, resulting in a state of emergency and widespread unrest in the country.

Potential Surge of Haitian Migrants to Florida

Florida officials are preparing for a potential surge of Haitian migrants by sending law enforcement officers and Guard troops to intercept any migrants attempting to come to the U.S. by boat. Some believe the response is more about politics than preparedness.

Deceptive Right-Wing Coverage of Migration in the Darién Gap

Right-wing influencers are creating deceptive videos of migrants in the Darién Gap to push anti-immigration rhetoric, with Laura Loomer and Michael Yon leading the charge. Their content is used to promote fear of Muslim terrorists, Chinese spies, and Latin American criminals, blaming President Biden and Democrats for the situation. The focus on Muslim and Chinese migrants distorts the reality that the majority of migrants are from South America and the Caribbean. Critics warn that this sensationalized coverage worsens the humanitarian crisis.

Haitian Migration Crisis

Haitians fleeing to Dominican Republic are blocked by a 12-foot wall amid escalating gang violence and humanitarian crisis in Haiti. President Abinader warns of protecting Dominican Republic alone if international aid is not provided.

Haitian Crisis and Border Protection

Haitians trying to escape to the Dominican Republic face a 12-foot wall; Dominican Republic strengthens border amid crisis; 5 million Haitians need aid, 362,000 displaced; President warns of fighting alone; UN reports majority of displaced intend to stay; US Rep. suggests border wall similar to DR's; Violence escalates in Haiti with gangs controlling 80% of the capital.

Israeli Offensive in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu plans an offensive in Rafah despite warnings from President Biden, facing pressure from hostages' families and right-wing members of his government. U.S. urges against a ground operation in Rafah due to potential civilian deaths and worsening humanitarian crisis.

Israeli Raid on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and Impending Famine in Gaza

Israeli forces launch raid on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, leading to impending famine in northern Gaza. UN warns that 70% of the remaining population is experiencing catastrophic hunger. World Food Program reports over 670,000 people facing highest level of hunger in Gaza. Israel faces pressure to streamline aid entry. Heavy fighting continues despite humanitarian crisis.

Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

Violence in Haiti's capital has led to a humanitarian crisis, with millions facing famine and food insecurity due to gang activity. Aid organizations are struggling to distribute food and supplies as gangs control the city and prevent access to resources.

Humanitarian Crisis Facing Haitians in the Dominican Republic

Haitians endure long queues for food in neighboring Dominican Republic amid a humanitarian crisis set to intensify due to surging gang violence and political instability in Haiti.

Israel-Palestine Conflict Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with aid efforts facing significant challenges in reaching the population due to destroyed infrastructure and logistical obstacles. Multiple international entities are working to provide food and supplies to the besieged region, but access remains limited and the situation is dire.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East has led to a humanitarian crisis in Rafah, with over a million Palestinians sheltering there. An international non-profit evacuated 68 children and staff to the Israeli-occupied West Bank, sparking controversy within the Israeli government.

Israel-Palestine Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has a long history, with families on both sides suffering during negotiations for a cease-fire. Humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues, with calls for aid and release of hostages. Sticking points in negotiations include demands for guarantees and end to attacks from both sides.

Aid Delivery to Gaza

An aid ship loaded with 200 tons of food set sail from Cyprus to Gaza to address the starvation crisis in the territory amidst the Israel-Hamas war.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman calls for end to 'heinous crimes' in Gaza

Saudi Arabia's King Salman calls for an end to 'heinous crimes' in Gaza in Ramadan message, urging the international community to intervene and establish safe humanitarian corridors.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Strip

Israeli academics sign petition urging government to prevent starvation in Gaza Strip, U.S. sends aid to Gaza, U.N. warns of tragic conditions in northern Gaza, IDF intercepts rockets from Lebanon, Biden pushes for cease-fire and prisoner exchange in Gaza, CIA Director meets with Mossad for hostage talks, Biden addresses frustrations with Netanyahu, U.S. provides food aid to Gaza amidst reports of starvation

Hamas's Theft of Food Aid in Gaza

Hamas is accused of stealing food aid meant for Palestinians in Gaza, selling it on the black market, and causing hunger among the population. International organizations and Israel face challenges in delivering aid due to Hamas interference. President Biden plans to build a port in Gaza to facilitate aid delivery.

Starvation in Gaza

The article discusses the tragic death of a 10-year-old boy named Yazan in Gaza due to malnutrition amidst the ongoing conflict and blockade. The situation in Gaza is dire, with many children at risk of starvation and lack of essential medical supplies.

Israeli Protesters Blocking Aid to Gaza

Israeli protesters are blocking aid trucks from reaching Gaza, where children are starving to death. They demand the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. The protesters claim aid doesn't reach civilians and may go to Hamas, but no evidence supports this. The situation has led to a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Resumption of Funding to UNRWA and Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Canada has resumed funding to UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, after allegations from Israel were refuted. Houthi rebels in Yemen conducted a drone attack, with the U.S. shooting down 15 drones. Gaza is facing a severe humanitarian crisis with children dying from malnutrition, prompting international aid efforts.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Prominent aid organizations criticize Biden administration's plan to construct temporary pier in Gaza as ineffective, call for sustained ceasefire and lifting of Israel's siege on Gaza. U.N. report highlights record growth of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, deeming it a war crime. Aid packages dropped from aircraft result in deaths in Gaza. International community announces intent to open maritime corridor for humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

NBC News reporter Richard Engel joins Jordanian air force mission to drop food aid in Gaza due to worsening humanitarian crisis

Conflict in Sudan and UN's Appeal for Ramadan Ceasefire

The United Nations chief urged Sudan's warring parties to halt hostilities during Ramadan to prevent further regional instability amid a nearly year-long conflict. The conflict in Sudan has led to a humanitarian crisis with millions in need of assistance, including acute food insecurity and internal displacement.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Five months after Hamas launched multipronged attacks on Israel, almost half of Gaza’s buildings lie in ruins and at least 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. The situation has led to a worsening humanitarian tragedy, with international pressure on Israel to allow more aid into the enclave where people are starving to death.

Famine Crisis in Gaza Strip

Aid agencies warn of famine in Gaza Strip, with children dying of malnutrition and dehydration. IPC activated famine review committee. Israel denies limiting aid, but access to Gaza is restricted. Famine declaration process is complex and requires consensus. Real-time data collection poses challenges due to limited access. U.S. urges Israel to open commercial crossing for aid. World Food Program faces struggles delivering food to northern Gaza.

Israel's Aid to Gaza

Israel is delivering thousands of tons of aid to Gaza daily, despite mainstream media claims. Aid includes food, water, medical supplies, and shelter equipment. Much aid is stolen by Hamas. The U.S. and Jordan conducted a second airdrop of meals in Gaza, and plans are in place for a maritime aid corridor.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has a long history, with aid being airdropped into Gaza amid a humanitarian crisis. The delivery of humanitarian aid has been severely limited, prompting countries to use airdrops to deliver aid.

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza

The U.S. plans to launch air drops of food to Gaza amid worsening humanitarian crisis after almost five months of war between Israel and Hamas.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict in Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza escalated, resulting in a large crowd of Palestinians being fired upon while trying to access aid. The death toll has risen to over 30,000, with many facing starvation and dire living conditions. International efforts are underway to negotiate a cease-fire and provide humanitarian assistance.

Humanitarian Crisis in Rafah

Displaced Gazans in Rafah are queuing for hours for bread amid a worsening humanitarian crisis. U.N. officials warn that an assault on Rafah would be catastrophic.

Resignation of RNC Chair and Crisis in Gaza Strip

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel resigns, Gaza Health Ministry reports over 29,000 deaths and 70,000+ wounded in Gaza Strip, Israel fails to comply with UN court order on aid provision to Gaza.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Gaza Strip

Brazil's president alleges Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, leading to a significant death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel vehemently denies the genocide claims, citing war against Hamas. The conflict involves international parties like the United States, Egypt, and Qatar in negotiation attempts.