Shrinking Middle Class in America

The middle class in America has been shrinking over the past 50 years, leading to a growing wealth gap between income tiers. The share of Americans in middle-class households dropped from 61% in 1971 to 51% in 2023, while the share of upper-income households rose from 11% to 19% in the same period.

Income Inequality in the United States

Mark Zandi from Moody's Analytics discusses the income disparities in the US, highlighting that those in the top third are doing well, the middle are okay, and the bottom face tough circumstances.

Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

The article discusses the belief that social media is harmful to youth and causing mental health issues, highlighting the phenomenon of moral panic. It argues that research evidence does not support the idea that social media is the primary cause of mental health problems, and suggests that other factors like fatherlessness rates and income inequality may be stronger predictors of teen suicide.