Fatalities in Houston Storms and India Stone Quarry Collapse

Severe storms in Houston result in a crane falling on a truck, killing one person. In India, a stone quarry collapse due to heavy rains kills 13 workers with 16 missing. Previous incidents of quarry collapses resulted in fatalities. Heavy rainfall in India's northeast poses risks of damage and landslides.

Natural Disaster in West Sumatra, Indonesia

Torrential rain in Indonesia's West Sumatra province triggered flash floods, landslides, and cold lava flow.

Floods and Landslides in Kenya

Floods and landslides in Kenya have resulted in over 170 deaths since March, with hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes.

Deadly Landslides in China and Indonesia

Rescuers are searching for survivors after a deadly landslide in Liangshui village in southwestern China. Another tragedy occurred in Indonesia's Sulawesi island, where 18 people were killed by landslides and two are still missing. The search is hampered by fog, drizzle, and difficult terrain.

7.4-magnitude Earthquake in Taiwan

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan has left 12 people dead, with rescue efforts ongoing to find 13 missing individuals. Most of the trapped people are safe, with helicopters supplying food and water until everyone can be brought out. The earthquake damaged roads and stranded hundreds in Taroko National Park, an area popular with hikers.

Mine workers stranded after earthquake in Taiwan

Mine workers stranded on a remote mountain ledge in Taiwan after earthquake-triggered landslides.

Landslides: Causes, Impacts, and Preparation

Landslides around the world have the potential to cause immense catastrophes and have claimed many lives. Climate change intensifies the risk, and efforts are being made to better prepare for them. Various types of landslides exist, triggered by factors like heavy rains, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Mapping methods like lidar are crucial for identifying at-risk areas.

Indonesia Flash Floods and Landslides

Flash floods and landslides in Indonesia's Sumatra island have killed at least 19 people, with 7 others missing. Thousands have been displaced and relief efforts are being hampered by challenging conditions.