Landslides: Causes, Impacts, and Preparation

Landslides around the world have the potential to cause immense catastrophes and have claimed many lives. Climate change intensifies the risk, and efforts are being made to better prepare for them. Various types of landslides exist, triggered by factors like heavy rains, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Mapping methods like lidar are crucial for identifying at-risk areas.

Key Points

  • Landslides can be triggered by various factors including heavy rains, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions
  • Climate change is intensifying the risk of landslides by destabilizing soil
  • Mapping methods like lidar are crucial for identifying at-risk areas


  • Increased awareness about the risks and impacts of landslides
  • Efforts being made to better prepare for landslides through mapping and analysis
  • Use of technology like lidar to identify at-risk areas


  • Landslides can cause immense devastation and loss of life
  • Difficulty in accurately predicting landslides in certain areas
  • Climate change intensifying the risk of landslides