Robert De Niro Memes Flood Social Media After Press Conference

Memes mocking Robert De Niro have flooded social media following his calamitous press conference in New York. Some memes draw inspiration from his filmography while others superimpose his face on bodies of Trump antagonists. Former President Trump even shared one of the memes. De Niro insulted Trump supporters during the presser, resulting in hecklers shouting at him. His unbridled anger has led to an entertaining string of online memes.

Rare Earthquake Shakes New York Area

A rare earthquake shook the New York area, causing panic among residents. The 4.8-magnitude quake hit near Lebanon, New Jersey, rattling buildings and interrupting events in New York City. No initial reports of injuries or major damage, but aftershocks are a concern. Memes and jokes flooded social media following the quake.