Impact of Recent Elections in Latin America on Migration Policy and Collaboration with the United States

Recent elections in Latin America may lead to a shift in migration policy and collaboration with the United States.

President Biden's Border 'Shutdown' Policy Loopholes

President Biden's border 'shutdown' policy allows for multiple loopholes that result in the inflow of a significant number of migrants, both legal and illegal, into the United States, impacting the labor market and economy.

Public Opinion on Federal Migration Policy

A poll by Monmouth University shows increasing public concern over the federal government's migration policy, with a majority of Americans viewing it as a very serious issue. The poll highlights a rise in GOP worries about the economic impact of migration. Republicans are more likely to believe that illegal immigrants take away desirable jobs, leading to a growing concern about the pocketbook damage caused by migration. Democrats and Republicans have contrasting views on the impact of migrants on the job market.