American Missionary Couple Killed in Haiti

American missionary couple working in Haiti as missionaries were attacked and killed by gangs. They were part of a Christian mission group in Haiti. The couple, Davy and Natalie Lloyd, along with a local director, Jude Montis, were fatally shot in a gang ambush.

Tragic Death of American Missionary Couple in Haiti

Young American missionary couple killed in Haiti after being attacked by gangs, daughter of Missouri state representative among victims.

Joy Diaz's Unsung Hero - Jack Bloxham

Joy Diaz recalls the missionary who gave her family a life-changing gift, enabling them to move into a middle-class neighborhood and afford college education, ultimately changing the trajectory of generations.

South Korean Missionary Detained in Russia on Espionage Allegations

A South Korean missionary in Russia is detained on espionage allegations, sparking tensions between South Korea and Russia. The missionary was providing aid to underprivileged people in Vladivostok. Russia has detained several foreigners in recent years for various offenses.