Joy Diaz's Unsung Hero - Jack Bloxham

Joy Diaz recalls the missionary who gave her family a life-changing gift, enabling them to move into a middle-class neighborhood and afford college education, ultimately changing the trajectory of generations.

Key Points

  • Family lived in extreme poverty in a garbage dump in Mexico City
  • Parents devoted themselves to humanitarian work, building a clinic, school, public showers, and dining hall in the garbage dump
  • Missionary Jack Bloxham gifted Joy's family with money to buy a house, leading to improved living conditions and educational opportunities
  • Joy Diaz now lives in Austin, Texas and credits Jack Bloxham with changing the trajectory of her life and generations to come


  • Generosity of missionary Jack Bloxham had a profound impact on Joy Diaz's family
  • Gift enabled Joy Diaz to move into a middle-class neighborhood and afford college education
  • Changed the trajectory of generations within the family