Violence Against Political Candidates in Mexico

Local political candidates in Mexico are facing high risks of violence and assassination ahead of national elections, with many campaigning alongside armed guards or in armored vehicles. The violence is mostly linked to drug cartels seeking to influence local elections, impacting the very functioning of democracy in certain states.

Safety of Political Candidates in Mexico

More than 500 political candidates in Mexico have been placed under federal protection due to safety concerns amidst a series of attacks and murders during the current electoral cycle. The ruling party, Morena, is facing challenges in the upcoming presidential elections with allegations of ties to drug cartels and violence. State of Chiapas has seen a high number of murdered candidates, with 515 candidates dropping out of races due to safety concerns.

Political Violence in Mexico

Mexico's president expresses sadness over the killing of a mayoral candidate and a city council candidate in an attack despite their request for protection. The violence is part of the bloody runup to Mexico's June 2 elections.

AI-generated deceptive images related to political candidates and voting

Generative AI tools have been found to create deceptive images related to political candidates and voting, raising concerns about election disinformation. Non-profit CCDH tested various AI models and found that 41% of cases resulted in generating election disinformation images. Companies like OpenAI and Microsoft are working to combat potentially harmful AI content.