Gun owners and voting behavior

Gun owners tend to vote more reliably compared to non-gun owners, contrary to claims made by some politicians such as Donald Trump. Research shows that the more guns one owns, the more likely one is to vote. Gun owners are an important political group in American politics, showing up consistently on Election Day.

Challenges Faced by Women in Political Participation

The article discusses the challenges women face in participating in politics, particularly in the context of upcoming elections in 2024. It highlights barriers such as lack of official identity documents, gender-based violence, and online harassment. Despite these challenges, initiatives are being taken to combat these issues and promote women's political participation and leadership.

Challenges and Barriers to Women's Political Participation in 2024 Elections

2024 is projected to be the biggest election year in history with over half the world voting in national elections. Women face barriers to political participation, including lack of official identity documents. Women encounter denigration and violence during elections, leading to challenges in entering and staying in politics. Initiatives like the #NotTheCost campaign are fighting violence against women in politics. Men and women worldwide still hold gender biases, impacting women's political leadership. Women's full and equal participation in politics is crucial for the success and sustainability of democracies.