2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

President Joe Biden has a tenuous lead over Donald Trump and RFK Jr. in a recent poll, showing weaknesses among key voting groups. Trump commands strong support intensity and is predicted to win by a significant portion of voters.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

A recent Monmouth University Poll indicates that voters are evenly split between supporting President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in a potential 2020 election rematch. Most voters are not enthusiastic about the prospect of a rematch. Key issues for Republicans include immigration and inflation, while abortion is crucial for Democrats. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has some support but faces challenges. Inflation and economic growth are seen as the most important issues for voters in the upcoming election.

2024 Poll Results: Trump vs. Biden

A recent poll by Morning Consult shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by one point among all voters. Trump has slight advantages among different voter demographics.

2024 Swing State Poll Results

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden and other likely general election opponents in six out of seven critical swing states, according to a Morning Consult/Bloomberg News poll.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

The presidential election is a close race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, with Biden slightly ahead among likely voters. The race is highly partisan, with Democrats favoring Biden and Republicans favoring Trump. Independents are evenly split. Public opinion can shift, and the outcome is determined by state-by-state races for electoral votes. Biden's approval rating is 47%, with more disapproving than approving. The poll shows potential concerns for Biden among younger voters, as they favor Trump more than expected.